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What luggage bag for roaving with a float rod?

Just bought a Ultimate rucksack as the mice ruined my rather too large current bag. For just under Ā£30 delivered its reasonable and well made.
I try a variety of things to make life easier buckets, waist pouches, rucksacks, vests all have their uses and I reckon the most useful is the waist pouch, my old Fox version is a bit battered but can't find a good replacement.
I just need a few leads, feeders, hook length small camera etc no need for loads of gear, bit it's always a challenge in keeping it to a minimum, which I quite enjoy.
So possibly for me a waist pouch, bait bucket, a net bag with light chair inside rod with drennan extending handle strapped together; completes the ensemble šŸ˜
My orvis guide pack arrived today, it's a bigger version of my orvis passage.
Crazy money for a bag, but if it lasts like my passage and is as comfy to wear then ot's well worth the expense.
I've tried it on and it feels great, strange how the others I have go over my left shoulder, but this one goes over my right shoulder? It makes no difference to me either way round.
Crazy money for a bag, but if it lasts like my passage and is as comfy to wear then ot's well worth the expense.
I agree with that completely. Thereā€™s nothing worse than wearing or carrying something and feeling uncomfortable. Puts a real downer on the day. Above all else Iā€™ll always prioritize safety and comfort over the cost.
I have the Speero ā€œStalkerā€ bag and itā€™s great for roving.

Over the shoulder design and enough space to take all you need for an evening session.