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What braid for the river teme

David Boulton

Senior Member
Hi guys.
I fancy trying out braid as a Maine line this season ! Could anyone recommend some or it seems to be powerpro or fireline!!
Also I notice alot of people using the green braid. And wondered if that's gonna be the best colour ?? Or is it best to go brown or dark as I can ? And is there any tips you can give me when playing fish on it ?? As there is no stretch!
Personally I wouldn't want to use braid as mainline on a river where it's all close quarters hit n hold seat of your pants stuff.

Just my opinion.
I sat with Dave mason one day and watched a fish spook off my braid mainline, a cup of tea and a change to mono later nailed him. I'd stick to mono and my favourite at the moment is p-line. It's clear, fluro coated, limp, has no memory, is low diameter and cheap if you or a friend is going to the usa.
I literally bought miles of the stuff last time I went.

I did hear a whisper once about a very successful angler on the Dove who used to swear by using used T bags in his groundbait............But it was only a rumour.;)

Pale blue box David, that's the one.
Sorted Adrian.
Just got some p-line of eBay!!

Any of you guys recommend any hook link material??

I've been testing the new Korda n trap coated braid and it's very good!!

It's very thin for what it is !

Regards Dave.
I try and keep things simple, but have been known to tie a combi link, P-line with an inch of braid at the hook, when I'm feeling a bit flash.
adrian ive tried these combi rigs out,and they can be very good!!
mainly due to the braid acting natural!!

have you had much success yourself using the rig?
Its a rig I tend to keep for pressured fish on hard rivers, I always use it with a small bag threaded down to the hook to keep everything straight as the braid bit does have a tendency to flip over and tangle on the cast.
For the Teme I like to keep it simple. Two to three foot of mono, (p-line) is good enough.
yeah a good 18 inches is about right on the teme!!
but ive even had to go to 48 inches just to get a take!! some times!!
thats if your using a feeder!!

but this year im using pva mesh and maybe stringers depending on which stretch i fish..
the one ive got is in the blue box which is p-line fluorocarbon!!

i did see the floroclear and might give that a try on another reel to see how that goes.. regards dave
i rate that p line i had great success last season stalking with it me and a pal were on he loddon and we noted how they spooked with another line but p line done the buisnes
the one ive got is in the blue box which is p-line fluorocarbon!!

i did see the floroclear and might give that a try on another reel to see how that goes.. regards dave

Cheers for that, Dave. I went for 10lb Floroclear in the end, as I like its (advertised) low memory properties....