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Well done Steve Williams on your PB

Dean Aston

Senior Member
Like to say well done Steve (chubby cheeks) on your pb . Its was hard fishing and Steve was the only person to have a nice bend in his rod. He played the pair of PANTS like he handle a big pair before well done mate :D

Most of my fishing is pretty pants :eek:

However, I do think Steve may have unwittingly launched a whole new series of 'What rod/line/hook/bait' threads based on folk trying to beat his new under stated PB :D

I am even going to launch one myself :p

Cheers, Dave.
That is not an embarrassing picture of Steve Dean, I have several which would have the big man cringing were I to post them but I will respect his right to delete his past.

Much respect mate!

Takes a real man to pose at the waterside with his skiddies:eek:

You have no reason to be ashamed!!:p
An oldie but a goodie from the days when bite alarms weren't so sensitive....

....swap the spools over on the reels of your un suspecting victim and then give the false run signal.....victim runs out half asleep grabs the rod on the alarm that is howling off and can't fathom how the line from that rod is going off up the rings of the second rod!!!

Of course, by now the second alarm is howling and the original has stopped = more half asleep confusion ensues as the vicitm will not want to stop playing the phantom fish, especially with an alarm in melt down ;)

Usually ends up with 2 rods on the floor, line from the reels going through the wrong rod eyes, and some sorting out to do.....unfortunately this was a gag from before mobile phones so it was not so easy to capture such mirth for posterity, but such fun :)

Its a classic Ian, and I find always better when served at 6am......

I got Benners and Stew on the last Pit social, had Stew running all over the field. It is great that you can set a delay, leave the phone by their alarms or receiver and then be a few yards away with them being totally innocent when the whole thing goes down :D