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Visitors in the swim

just a quick one. if you are on your own be carefull what you say to these people, the majority of them tend to be game for a tearup and aint too worried about the law.
i heard from a baa bailiff on the warks avon that one of the bailiff members took a real bad beating off 3 foreigners at Fladbury for trying to stop them putting out night lines!!
I know it sucks but if your gonna try and stop people in the act be aware of the posible outcome!

I know I know but can't help myself, but to be fair I have never as yet had these Eastern Euro's be anything other than confused and having trouble understanding English. But with all the cutbacks with the Police it seems as though these people will be afforded the freedom of our rivers.
However I do think it is up to us anglers to do something, and yes we have to me mindful of our safety, but could you imagine the response to such bare faced stealing if it was on the Salmon beats? This scenario is similar to the fear factor on our streets where the yobs rule because the decent people are frightened to venture out.
That BAA baliff that was attacked at Fladbury deserves a huge amount of credit for standing up to these people, I do hope BAA will take the appropiate action, fat chance. :mad:
I know I know but can't help myself, but to be fair I have never as yet had these Eastern Euro's be anything other than confused and having trouble understanding English. But with all the cutbacks with the Police it seems as though these people will be afforded the freedom of our rivers.

The Chairman on Friday

Subject: Cutbacks

Oh yes, they're on their way -


But have no fear, chaps, I'll be buying the Environment Agency and British Waterways franchises (plus a few others, cheap,) from a fellow Old Etonian pal in due course, then getting my Head Keeper Kevin to front them for me.

So, then, fear not, your waters and fish (if we consider them worthy of protecting, which is unlikely as we have investors and shareholders to think about) will be in safe hands.

As ever,

Dear Paul

Do your comments about Kevin, Eton and buying the franchise in any way refer to a Windsor Thames Lock cut/weir stretch?

The Chairman on Friday

Subject: Cutbacks

Oh yes, they're on their way -


But have no fear, chaps, I'll be buying the Environment Agency and British Waterways franchises (plus a few others, cheap,) from a fellow Old Etonian pal in due course, then getting my Head Keeper Kevin to front them for me.

So, then, fear not, your waters and fish (if we consider them worthy of protecting, which is unlikely as we have investors and shareholders to think about) will be in safe hands.

As ever,


Crikey British Waterways...Advisory Council For Packaging and the Comittee for The House Of Commons Menu maybe but BW :eek:
Well IMO it'd be a very good idea to remove the 'special' relationship shared between the quangos EA and BW because maybe then BW's will become fully accountable for their destruction of our rivers, with their only current line of defence being; "its our legal right."
And the EA still not quite being able to interpret the 2003 water act.:eek:

But then thinking about it, the EA don't do action, only wet half hearted acts of appeasement...:rolleyes:
Careful what you wish for. Be just fine and dandy at some time in the not-too-distant future to phone the lean, mean, brave new EA to report a pollution incident or some poaching EEs, only to find that your call is picked up by an outsourced (sound financial sense) call-centre worker in, er, New Delhi...

Sample call:

"Thank you very much, sir, for your call; we value it greatly. In order to prioritize our response, may I now ask you if your river is a designated Coarse Water or a Game Fishery...?"
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Yeah Paul what you've written makes sense but wot wiv me bein' an 'ard done by angler i wanna know:

How 7 years after an act of parliament is made, the EA still can't quite fathom out how or what it all means, inept doesn't even come close, unless there are ulterior motives, i.e quangos looking after each others interests.:rolleyes:
Conspiracy? No, just time-honoured, British (private or public), sheer ineptitude. If you are looking for conspiracy, look to the EA's successor (The So-and-So Environmental Trust? - not our trust, you understand) -: the conspiracies of silence and strategic non-delivery determined by "We're only in it for the money" bottomliners and beancounters.
that sounds like the current EA paul..:D:D..One tip that works well for getting the police to turn out for EE poachers..tell the operator you think they have a knife because usually they have anyway,,tell them you feel threatened and they have threatened you..you might be telling a little white lie but you will get the polices attention and they should attend..;)
that sounds like the current EA paul..:D:D..One tip that works well for getting the police to turn out for EE poachers..tell the operator you think they have a knife because usually they have anyway,,tell them you feel threatened and they have threatened you..you might be telling a little white lie but you will get the polices attention and they should attend..;)
that's the way, sad, aint it!
As Paul has so often said...be careful what you wish for. The EA may be a bunch of half-arsed muddlers, but it is highly likely that any privatised alternative this government will put in place will have only two priorities...profit and shareholders.

In years to come we may be looking back longingly, with fond memories of how things used to be in the 'Good old days'......

Cheers, Dave.