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tut tut

Probably rolling meat down a nice run - just think - if he had been using worm there wouldn't be an issue. What a difference a bait makes. :rolleyes:
Bob James but he is quoted as saying " I will be in touch with EA legal team , yes I was fishing but its a misunderstanding "
According to the article he has given his side to Anglers Mail an they are to publish it. The words 'sub judice' spring to mind :rolleyes:
TV star caught by Close Season bailiffs and they have got it all on camera that's one DVD not for sale .
he's only doing what we see every year anyhow, but should know better.

Agree with that, David. Quite a lot of celebs (and not just within angling) just think they're, somehow, above the law. I can only think that the 'misunderstanding' involves Mr James' over-reliance on a paper calendar that became wet after a recent storm. :D
Having heard a few more details on this 'story' it seems there maybe a bit more to it than we're hearing. Rumour has it that it wasn't Bob fishing at all but the photographer with him. They were doing a photo shoot for one of the angling manufacturers and getting ready for the off on the 16th! How true that is I can't say but that's what I have heard.
Having heard a few more details on this 'story' it seems there maybe a bit more to it than we're hearing. Rumour has it that it wasn't Bob fishing at all but the photographer with him. They were doing a photo shoot for one of the angling manufacturers and getting ready for the off on the 16th! How true that is I can't say but that's what I have heard.

Then thats as bad, why would someone of his standing sit there with someone and allow them to fish in the close season. :confused:
On a purely technical note - surely it's only fishing if you have something that fish want to eat on the end of the line. If this was a photo-shoot then one would expect maybe a plummet tied straight to the line?
I would humbly suggest that the situation the bailiffs found these guys in, it would have been very clear whether they were on a photo shoot or actually fishing. Can't see how you could create ambiguity from that.
If it's the latter then that's just astonishing. Arrogance or stupidity....maybe a bit of both chaps..

Probably rolling meat down a nice run - just think - if he had been using worm there wouldn't be an issue. What a difference a bait makes. :rolleyes:
He would have been in even more trouble as the worm is banned until 16 June and in places banned until October.
Having heard a few more details on this 'story' it seems there maybe a bit more to it than we're hearing. Rumour has it that it wasn't Bob fishing at all but the photographer with him. They were doing a photo shoot for one of the angling manufacturers and getting ready for the off on the 16th! How true that is I can't say but that's what I have heard.
Rumour i heard was that he was caught bang to rights, tackle conficasted, pics on the camera of barbel etc. Still i find it very hard to belive that a barbel photo shoot/fishing session would have the photograper fishing rather than the well know angler who writes all these magazine articles i mean surely the professional photographer would be busy taking pic as they aint cheap to hire for the day or perhaps i'm just being a bit cynical eh.:D:D
Jeremy I heard the same rumour as you but I think the person to ask is the Pons .
I don't know if that's true but I have no reason to disbelieve the person that told me.
He would have been in even more trouble as the worm is banned until 16 June and in places banned until October.

Thanks Pete - i stand correceted. I was of the opinion worm was allowed for salmon, trout and eels - not sure if that used to be the case in days gone by but having just read through the E.A's bylaws it certainly has not been allowed since 1999! :eek:

I know several members of this site who have been trotting worm for trout during the last close season ( not me i might add! ) so i'm glad you pointed this out. Hopefully they'll look in on this thread and realise their mistake.