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Trafford Angling

Pete Webb

Active Member
It looks like these guys have gone out of business, which is a shame so I was wondering if you can get hold the their barbel tripod elsewhere? Does anyone know who made them for Trafford?

Yeah they went under a couple of weeks back. The administrators will have took em no doubt lol
IMHO, the Trafford Angling Tripod is an overrated bit of kit, too easily pulled over by a 'Smash Take' and in general unstable.
Its a shame that they've gone under though as their service was very good.........
IMHO, the Trafford Angling Tripod is an overrated bit of kit, too easily pulled over by a 'Smash Take' and in general unstable.
Its a shame that they've gone under though as their service was very good.........

It's okay if you can get the front sticks in. I never had problems with mine on the Trent although I do have a better 'pod now.

Dave, what one do you have now that you think is better? I was looking for a rod rest system that I can fish 2 rods with on the Wye, one rod maybe far bank, the other mid river.
Dave, what one do you have now that you think is better? I was looking for a rod rest system that I can fish 2 rods with on the Wye, one rod maybe far bank, the other mid river.

I got the Spro one Pete and it's rock solid. Discontinued now mind.

I've got the Trafford pod and as Dave says it's a great piece of kit for sticking into the alluvium. I suspect where it gets any bad press will be on rocky rivers, however, if you're prepared to take a suitable bag, fill it with stones and suspend this from the hook under the pod, you'd quickly solve the instability problem. It's biggest advantage is that it's very lightweight and I've even used it as an alternative to banksticks when keeping the rods low, on a small, steeply-banked river.
I've got the Trafford one, but I have rarely used it.

If you want to use the classic way to make any tripod stable, then take an empty bucket with you, hook it on and fill it with water.
Fox ranger pod with the mini anchor feet untouchable for stability and quality, but pricey!!!
Wayne do u think the ranger is better than the sky pod thinking of getting one or the other can get the the sky pod for £190 posted.
Sorry to hear about Trafford Angling - my local tackle shop. It's getting increasingly tough to compete with online sellers. Still, I can't think they had massive overheads, situated where they were. I'll drive round at the weekend and report back.

These "you get what you pay for" comments are so banal - and also not true.
Sad to hear about Trafford angling. Trouble with the Fox ranger is it uses dissimilar metals for its screw threads causing corrosion. I have used a fox horizon with the brass adaptor for a few years on the trent with no problems. So I cannot see the point in paying more when generally a bank stick wiww also suffice....
I don't bother with the new fandango tripods, I simply adapt a sea fishing tripod that cost me twenty notes. Keeps the rods high in floods and can even be placed so its flat for normal fishing.
Sad to hear about Trafford angling. Trouble with the Fox ranger is it uses dissimilar metals for its screw threads causing corrosion. I have used a fox horizon with the brass adaptor for a few years on the trent with no problems. So I cannot see the point in paying more when generally a bank stick wiww also suffice....

As you know iv been using singles of late due to spacing my rods abit more
Shame to hear about Trafford Angling. Always found them very helpful on the phone. I've got two of their tripods,a double Mk1 and a single Mk2 and never had a problem with instability as just use an old airdry bag with a few rocks in hung off the hook. Found them ideal on rocky sections of The Wye as the front legs just get adjusted to suit the terrain. Nice and light to carry if you've got a long walk as well.