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Tight lines for new season everyone


My closed season tackle arrangement is mm perfect too.
Start with the best intentions n all that.
Lasts about 5 mins before the next time out it’s getting thrown into a bag 😂
Mine used to be but I gave up being to anal about it for the same reason u say first time out it all gets messed up. These days I look through my stuff to see what I need I to go buy from the tackle shop, drive up there, forget what I needed to buy by the time Iv got there and buy a load of stuff I don’t really need.
I wanted to be out for midnight but currently working doing the night shift, working tomorrow until 1am and then off to Bulgaria for 7 days Monday evening and I'm back on the 25th. Straight on the river Severn for 2 days and nights as soon as I'm back. That's the real holiday 😂

My closed season tackle arrangement is mm perfect too.
Start with the best intentions n all that.
Lasts about 5 mins before the next time out it’s getting thrown into a bag 😂
I am going through a phase of forgetfulness and carelessness so need to check everything several times. Moreover, I haven’t fished for over a year and I don’t want to drive for two hours only to find I have left something essential at home like the landing net head which was almost overlooked. It’s a big day out and I am apprehensive and excited. If I catch a barbel I will be over the moon.