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This weekend...

Stuart Wright

Senior Member
So where are people fishing this weekend?

I was planning to do a bit of roach fishing on the upper Bristol Avon on Sunday, but have just checked the weather and it has forecast heavy snow all day with 35mph NE winds!!!! Not exactly conducive to the sedate winter roach session I was hoping for! Strangely though, temperatures are still forecast to reach 7 degrees...

So now I don’t know where to go or what to fish for... Any inspiration would be most welcome!
The Severn seems to be creeping up which buggers up my plans to have a trundle around. Still have to get out though!!!!
Hi Chaps , you both are ideally situated to do a bit of chub fishing on the Wye , most pegs off the beaten track will produce , try maggot and bread during late afternoon !
Good luck
Hi James,

Thanks for the idea; I quite like the sound of a day on the Wye.

I've only fished the Wye once before for Barbel and am not a member of any of the clubs over that way, so would need to fish a day ticket stretch. Any ideas? I fished the stretch just upstream of Ross last time, but can't remember the name of the fishery.

Join me on the Cherwell tomorrow. Predicted wind speed 3 - 5mph, 9c and even a Angling Times front cover proportioned chub in residence;);).

Seriously though tomorrows forecast is fairly good and Sundays is **** everywhere.:(
Hi Stuart , head onto the a40 then park at Wilton bridge upstream right bank is day ticket , fish bush pegs for chub , most hold fish !
Cheers James, that's really helpful.

Colin, I would love to join you on the Cherwell tomorrow (possibly the cover shot stretch ;) ), but my Saturday's are usually wiped out by football. I've got to travel all the way down to Wokingham to play in a cup quarter final tomorrow! So that leaves me with having to fish in the **** weather on Sunday somewhere! Typical.
Off tomorrow to fish a swollen middle Thames stretch, plonk some paste wrapped smelly boilies close to some snags in the hope of finding a chub, dare I say a barbel, one of those wouldn't go amiss.

First time out in weeks, looking forward to it.

Out on the Middle Trent tomorrow at last, first session since October, weather looking favourable :) although Sunday looking like heavy snow again:eek:

Stu, if you are thinking of the Wye again some time you'd better contact this guy.
If my memory serves me right he owns the whole river :eek:(thinks he does anyway):rolleyes: and says he's a good guide too, can't be bad!!:D:D:D:D:D

Good luck on the Bristol Avon, just looked at the weather forcast and the Avon valley appears to be right in centre of the weather front:(.
Ha ha! Thanks Colin. If he thinks he owns the whole river and is such a good guide, surely I'd be a fool to contemplate fishing the river without his tutelage!! Come to think of it, I've no idea how I managed to catch last time without his help! :D:D

Thanks for the good luck for Sunday - I think I'll need it if I end up on the BA. I'm keeping my options open at this stage, but really had my heart set on some good roach fishing :(
I'm going to try for a Chub or two (if I'm lucky)

I'll have a look at the Ouse above Buckingham in the morning and if no good might have a go on the Tove.

Have to go now, making cheesepaste and she who must be obeyed has just spotted the state of the kitchen. :eek:
