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thinking of buying new centrepin

Mark Graves

Active Member
i have been thinking of buying a new centrepin. i have been looking at the stanaton adcock and the imperial kingpin centrepin just wondering have any of you guys used one or own one could i have your reviews please would be most appreciated
both very nice reels ,the new stantons are somewhat expensive for what they are ,the kingpins are more competitively priced and better value .as to which gives best performance ,well they're both twin bearings reels ,so very smooth running ,out of the two in the looks dept I'm not sure i like either ,but they're built well and perform great but nother exceptional ,i just have better reels to spend my money on .

apart from the cosmetic apperances ,technically theres little too choice between them and a okuma sheffield . theres a few cheap arnolds on fleabay this week if thats what floats your boat then look(watch) at these.

kingpin one

kingpin two

or theres the option to order them here

your probably best buying the new stantons through their website ,especially if you want customising options .
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Iv got the jw young rapidex fantastic bit of equipment but depends if you want a brand new one as the rapidex are quite old.
What will you be using it for Mark? Some pins are more suited to lighter lines and trotting a float, others are designed for legering with, some will do both, but the lighter ones are better for holding all day when trotting.
I can vouch for the Fred Crouch reels, the Jet rather than the Match Aerial (though they look practically identical). The article (in the link) suggests the reels go for £199 on Ebay but Steve Pope (through his blog) put me on to Fred directly. The Jets are £135 and lovely reels.