For me it’s about the here and now:
Conservatives: As said already environmental and biodiversity issues, is just green crap, which gets in the way of economic growth and house building
Labour: I watch PMQ’s every week and Starmer hasn’t once asked an environmental based question during his leadership. You have to question why is this? I also deal with NRW who report to the Welsh run Labour Assembly. NRW is a sh#t show, which isn’t fit for purpose. For house building they have introduced a new term recently ‘Greyfield Sites’; when pushed on what this means, they said areas including scrubland. Fantastic let’s trash more wildlife rich habitats
- Lib Dems: Plain and simple, they are the only main party banging on about the environment, including the scandal of the privatised water companies and sewage pollution. They raise this in parliament, inc during PMQ’s. Following the recent Kings Speech on government policy for the next year, they were the only ones asking, why is there nothing in there on tackling sewage
Re Ed Davey and whatever he has/hasn’t been involved in previously, I’m not that bothered. I’ve already stated on other threads that I consider the current situation with the privatised water companies (sewage, debt levels, shareholder dividends etc) to be the biggest political scandal of my lifetime.
Bringing the Post Office Horizon scandal into it, isn’t relevant to Lib Dem policy on the water companies/sewage. It’s a bit like when Ed Davey last asked a question during PMQ’s on sewage. He was heckled by Tory MP’s throughout and Sunak chose to ignore the question and instead replied about past Lib Dem policy on tuition fees; WTF and speaks volumes
So again, sewage pollution is what I’m most worried about, so the Lib Dems get my vote at the next general election.
Note in the past I have emailed my local Tory MP, about various issues. I‘ve always had a detailed reply through the post on House of Commons letter head. The last time I emailed her, I expressed my dismay re Sewage pollution and asked her to justify, how the Privatised Water companies, had been allowed to rack up £50 billion in debt, having paid over £60 billion in share dividends. I also pointed out that the UK‘s largest angling club, is based in her constituency and that anglers are furious, with what has been allowed to happen. On this occasion no reply was received back.