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the ultimate barbel rig...

There really is some vile fishing stuff on Youtube. The worst i've had the misfortune to see was two Brummie chavs smashing a pike to death after giggling about it flapping around on a dry bank for several minutes.
Personally I think he should up the bs of the main line to 60 lb, and add a further 4 snoods , that way he could have seven at one go...... some people .....must be a wind up,

looks the perfect rig for snag fishing, if you snap at least you know your fish is going no-where. It will be tethered till it dies.
How desperate are some people, to catch.....


Its more like,How desperate are one persons attempt,to sell a few more,
overpriced cobbled together hamsterwheels,via thier link:D
Not exactly tangle free is it? Anyway we all have to hope its a wind up, as previously suggested, otherwise there would be lots of tethered and ripped fish!:confused:
The thing is, how many new anglers, searching for tips/video clips, will stumble across it, and think its for real. :(
The thing is, how many new anglers, searching for tips/video clips, will stumble across it, and think its for real. :(

my thoughts exactly

should be remove by the EA
some of the rigs I've recovered over the last 20 years make that look almost decent.