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The river closed season debate

lets face it . as river anglers we get the short end of the stick , how much of the year (fishing wise) is lost due to other factors

We coarse fishers can fish for nine months. Pity the poor gamefishers who, in some cases, can only fish for four or five, but wouldn't want it any different and don't repeatedly whine about it either.
The Chairman on Tuesday

As I observed to my P.A. Olga little earlier "How bored, desperate and selfish some chaps must be as to so much as consider fishing when the creatures they so profess to respect and love are


But it takes all types, I suppose...."

As ever,


i remember the same thing as above when lakes and canals were allowed to open.
is it right there is no closed season in Scotland?
I've always thought it should just be a simple case of making it illegal to target/fish any {EDIT} coarse fish while they are spawning.

As for plants and wildlife... I agree that its its to 'protect' them, then everyone should be excluded from the river banks at this time.....

I've come round to the opinion that its a farce, but I also dont agree with the way this 'club' are going about trying to get it changed.

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Silver Tourists!

Far be it from me to point out the obvious, but are'nt those poor gamefishers Salmon fishing with their painfully short season actually fishing for fish with only one thing on their minds err.. spawning?
... but I also dont agree with the way this 'club' are going about trying to get it changed.
I disagree, Steve. There is a long tradition of peaceful civil disobedience going back to the suffragettes, Ghandi and beyond. If the club were trying to flout or bypass the laws, that would be wrong ... instead they are announcing the event and are prepared to be punished according to the law to publicise their grievances and get the angling community (and perhaps the wider community) debating the issue. Fair play to them I say. Just hope they won't be using their best Torrixes ;)
I've edited my post so it reads a little better Steve.

I didnt say 'to fish for fish that were soon to be spawning', as that would exclude spring Tench fishing as well as returning salmon.

I'm referring to fish that are gathered on spawning beds ready to, or in the act of spawning.....

Its only a suggestion, but seems a simple way of protecting our fish, while allowing the maximum time to be out on the bank.

I disagree, Steve. There is a long tradition of peaceful civil disobedience going back to the suffragettes, Ghandi and beyond. If the club were trying to flout or bypass the laws, that would be wrong ... instead they are announcing the event and are prepared to be punished according to the law to publicise their grievances and get the angling community (and perhaps the wider community) debating the issue. Fair play to them I say. Just hope they won't be using their best Torrixes ;)

There is also a long tradition of things like this getting out of hand and turning ugly........

Not good for 'angling' IMO.

Will you be attending the match then Andy?:p

Hmm, I've read the pros and cons posted so far. Most of the pros are sentimentalist, apart from the spawning argument....though I doubt fish in the act of spawning would take a bait anyway (I stand to be corrected if wrong on this point, however).

I tend to agree with Messrs Prescott and Boyne and say "out with it".

I hope this isn't perceived as too much of a whine, Mr Boote? :)
No problem Steve I was'nt picking up on your suggestion, my reply was actually aimed at the very eloquent words & picture sent in by "The Chairman".
The fact is there is nothing to stop me from fishing the rivers local to me should i choose to. With a coarse/non migratory trout licence i can happily roam the river banks, fly rod in hand. Should i happen amongst a group of barbel i could present a fly to them and perhaps even catch one. Technically, there is nothing to stop me doing likewise with a prawn or worm as bait - so why can't i trot bread or roll meat???

I agree that ethically it shouldn't be done as there is currently a close season for barbel and other coarse species, but there will be plenty of coarse fish caught by game anglers on my local rivers before June 16th be they by mistake or otherwise. Rolling nymphs, rolling meat - it's still fishing.
Hi Richard,

Whether or not the fish will take a bait IS NOT the point.

The point is that some people can't help themselves and the "a fish at any cost" mentality takes over.

Last season, on the Hants Avon, and no doubt other rivers, some barbel were still spawning in late June/early July, albeit sporadically. Carp, I believe, can spawn up to 4 times a year if the weather is suitable.

What is needed is a realistic, workable solution that would suit most people. As ever, whatever you do you cannot please everybody. But what would that solution be?

Moving the closed season dates to a laterperiod for a shorter time, say mid May to mid July for arguments sake? Maybe have clubs stop fishing when the fish are spawning............. i think this is probably unworkable?

Anyone got any reasonable suggestions?


It's a nonsense, there's no close season in France or Spain, with no apparent detriment.
If the fish are spawning they are not interested in eating, I have seen this first hand with barbel in the UK (2010, last 2 weeks in June) and in Spain with catfish. We found a coven of about 10 cats around a spawning pit in about 8ft of crystal clear water, running a live bait through elicited not a flicker of interest.
In the UK it can be argued that we deprive the fish of a usually plentifull supply of food at a time when they are rebuilding their reserves after the rigours of winter.
I could if I chose, fish quite legitimately on all the club waters I frequent in Yorkshire using a trusty worm. As it is I tend towards a bit of unproductive fly drowning, force myself to the odd commercial and catch up on the jobs at home that I've neglected during the season, Oh! and go abroad to fish.
There is also a long tradition of things like this getting out of hand and turning ugly........

Not good for 'angling' IMO.

Will you be attending the match then Andy?:p


I respect them for putting their heads above the parapet — but it's not for me :p

I don't see why in this case it should get out of hand as long as those involved accept whatever action any baliffs/police choose to take. If indeed the EA choose to turn up at all.
I do hope the EA and Police turn up and throw the book at them.
To be honest, I've never heard of the club in question, but if its to do with falling memberships, then move with the times and take on some stillwaters.

The motive, in this case seems to be greed.

Its got nothing to do with the rights or wrongs of 'fishing' during the closed season, but it has everything to do with 'can we get some more matches in during the 'better weather', when people actually want to fish.....

Very much like the reason the closed season was abolished on stillwaters.
Tackle shops and the 'industry' put pressure on government to help improve sales etc....Greed!

The funny thing is, I think I come down on the side of abolish the closed season.
I'd prefer it went back to the 'good old days' when it was enforced on all waters, but that isn't going to happen, so we may as well do away with it IMO.

Like has already been said, what's the difference between Roach/Chub/Barbel/Carp/Perch in stillwaters and the same species in running water.....

In my opinion the close season should be reintroduced on all waters! greed greed greed led to the abolishment on stillwaters and nothing else! whats wrong with giving everything a chance to wind down? why do some people have to have everything at all times? smacks to me of the i'm ok jack society that we all have to contend with now!Sorry for the rant but angling got by perfectly well with a blanket close season so why change things? the pursuit of more money by tackle shop, manufacturers and fishery owners and angling publications should NOT be a reason!
Whether you agree or not I don't think the way it's being dealt with by Willow is going to make any friends. I can see it turning out to be an embarrassing day for all involved.
sorry mr boote old bean , but im back again for another whine . Can i ask all those in favour of the closed season , if you believe in it so strongly , do you retire the rods completley untill the glorious 16th ? If not , isnt that a bit two faced ? After all , the flowers , wildlife and fish need a break !
There seems to be a number of issues occuring here, all perfectly valid in their own way but nobody suggesting a way forward as previously suggested. It would seem to me that we are just as split, as a community, on this matter........... as ever!

Yet again,there seems to be more problems than solutions.

Stuart, What for example do you suggest?
Mr Boote............. ditto.
Barry suggests, as others have, that greed is the prime reason, others seem to think that if course anglers are not allowed, then neither should salmon anglers. It initially seens a fair point but i'm not a salmon angler so can't comment on the nitty gritty. I do know that salmon anglers GENERALLY pay more than we proles.

I'm having a mare!
