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The answer to all your prayers.

Bit of tall poppy syndrome going on me thinks. Genuine guy works out something that's been baffling anglers for decades, offers to share his findings for a reasonable fee, and all people do is cut him down. Good luck I say. Unfortunately I'll have to wait until next month to get my copy as I've spend my budget this month on some pills which guarantee to make my boneless toe 3 inches bigger, some life crystals and a sprig of lucky heather.

Nick C
Very similar to the racing tipsters spiel. Their usual line is " I've developed an unbeatable system to find winners but want to share it with you for the bargain price of £200 when my usual price is £5,000!"

I don't think Goebbels spouted as much **** as this joker..
Reminds me of those "How to pull birds" adverts...

...just spray on this pheromone releasing after shave that women find irresistible....blah, blah, blah.

There must be some sort of formula for these things:
False hope + mug punter = get rich quick.

Not entirely sure if this is actually kosher, and it's too cheesy for words....

Alpha - "Selfish Gene" - Pheromone Aftershave Balm!

...but then it is American.

You'd think in this day and age people would be too sharp by far. But when you're dealing with the desperate (to pull or to catch, for that matter) then anything has got to be worth a punt.

Still, if he sells so much as a single copy I'll do a full-monty streak at Wimbledon.
So.....are you all saying I have wasted my money :eek: I bought every book he had, on the promise he wouldn't tell anyone else our secret. Don't tell me I have been had....I have been sat here a week now, tying up all the rigs and making bait :mad: The wife said there must be a catch in it.

Cheers, Dave.
What I find rather sweet about this idiot is that he chose the most unsuitable fish on the planet to try out his scam on.

Perhaps we could turn it on its head and between us try and come up with a rig / bait combination that the Barbel will NOT get caught on.

Semi fixed lead / sliding lead / freelined / big hook, small hook / long and short hook lengths in every material under the sun / all baits from pellets to paste / bright days / /dull days / low water and flood..........good old Bertie will still glop it down.
Richard Hamlyn;131129 Perhaps we could turn it on its head and between us try and come up with a rig / bait combination that the Barbel will NOT get caught on. [/QUOTE said:
Any of mine fit that bill.
What I find rather sweet about this idiot is that he chose the most unsuitable fish on the planet to try out his scam on.

Perhaps we could turn it on its head and between us try and come up with a rig / bait combination that the Barbel will NOT get caught on.

Semi fixed lead / sliding lead / freelined / big hook, small hook / long and short hook lengths in every material under the sun / all baits from pellets to paste / bright days / /dull days / low water and flood..........good old Bertie will still glop it down.

Richard you surprisingly miss a point, he aint fishing for gullible Barbell, he is fishing for urbane sophisticated Barbel anglers!
When you have seen some of the krap my missus buys every time she goes to the Ideal Homes exhibition Ian, you get an understanding of the incredible naivety some people are capable of when faced by a good salesman :D

Cheers, Dave.