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Tackle addiction

If you haven't got it yet, you should really get the Fishtec Coarse Winter 2011 catalogue, just for the fantastic Carp on the front cover ;)
I have a couple of copies of the Johnson Ross and Tacklebox catalogues floating about the house.

Having just spent 400 quid on new reels, a new rucksack and 'bits and bobs' in the past few weeks I think it's fair to say I spend more money on fishing tackle than anything else these days bar the mortgage.

'Only' thing I want is a bic boat, echo sounder and a Leccy motor now..
Got a sufficiency of tackle, my current thing is a decent rucksack quest.
Impressed with this one:



Another Dave here....I do hoard gear,but tbh it is mostly sea tackle,I make do with 5 Barbel rods, 4 baitrunners and a couple of 'pins, that , together with my rucksac,2 x chairs and the other gear is all I need/use.....thats not counting my predator gear.
The other day I coul not resist driving a 180 mile round trip to swap a John Wilson Avon quiver rod that never saw the light of day for a pristine AFAW beach rod worth just twice as much and a bit more.
That makes a total of 22 saltwater rods,plus reels to match...... And I live 70 miles from the coast.....Now where did I put that box of Bass plugs. ?
Hi Mark,
Expensive - but nice and available in both 35l and 47l versions.
The one shown is the 47l and is made by 5.11.
Come under the name of 5.11 RUSH 72 (this version) and the smaller 5.11 RUSH 24.
The 72 and 24 stands for 3 day and 1 day sacks.
Check out the many reviews.
Available in 4 colours black, sandstone (the one pictured), olive drab and multi cam - the latter being very much more expensive than the other colours.
Some useful links:
Hope this helps,
Hi Mark,
Expensive - but nice and available in both 35l and 47l versions.


Very nice rucksacks (love the 'tactical pants'!) but sadly too small for me. I need sleeping bag, dslr, 2 days of food, water, 3 layers of winter clothing and tackle to fit.

Had a look at army issue bergens but this is what I went for in the end as a bit cheaper:


I can't get that excited about a rucksack but so far it's done the job well and seems well made. Fully loaded it's a lot better on my poor back than my last Trakker one - the straps eventually broke on that after 4 years.

The only downside is it does not have smaller pockets or handy elasticated meshed off sections for phones/sunglasses/wallets etc and Aqua want you to buy their smaller luggage system stuff to put inside - all adds unnecessary weight.
If I publicly admit to being excited by a rucksack it's all over.

Got it for £115 and it'll hopefully last 4 seasons, so fingers crossed it'll be money well spent and earn its keep. I am firmly in the school of 'right tools for the job' and 'you get what you pay for'.

I did buy last season's (fashion darling..) large aqua rucksack (on offer for 75 quid) but it was truly enormous and weighed 11lbs on its own! So that went back and this is much lighter and still a decent size.

Women talk about shoes in this way don't they?
If I wants it, I will have it. Works for me....
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i was thinking of buying jw young bj centrepoin just wondering has anybody got if so are they any good for ledgering for barbel they look a cracking reel
Thanks for that Bob - looks really good, but as you say, quite pricey.
Still, quality costs - might well invest in one.
Hope you're well - still enjoying my lovely rod.:)
I have the JW Young, John Wilson centrepin, and its a work of art.
When I first got it I was tempted to just display it on the bookcase.
If find that the rise of online buying- while being a godsend in many cases - can lead to the scrourge of shed-loads (quite literally) of unwanted gear which doesn't quite fit the bill. Sometimes, even forum recommendatioins don't help as what works for one doesn't work for all.

I fondly remember the days when there were these buildings called shops containing a selection of equipment for you to weigh-up, try on, measure, and play with before committing to a purchase. I'm told they still exist but it means you have to venture outside (shudder).

Think your selves lucky guys, being a female angler not only am I a self confessed tackle tart but have the compulsory addiction to shoes. ;) Oh boy, does the other half regret sparking my interest in fishing....... :rolleyes:
Think your selves lucky guys, being a female angler not only am I a self confessed tackle tart but have the compulsory addiction to shoes. ;) Oh boy, does the other half regret sparking my interest in fishing....... :rolleyes:
how many angling shoes do you have...:D
i laughed the other week when an angler and his girl walked into the tackle shop, the bloke said, 'trust you to go straight to the shoes'..lol
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I have the Youngs BJ pin and its more suited as a trotting reel rather than a ledgering reel. Very light ,the drum spins all day on its ball bearings and it has a very light ratchet.

Has anyone tried those electroninc hook tiers from dragoncarp? If they do a sterling job could be useful come winter when my fingers feel like sausages or in fact I don't feel them at all lol
