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Soaked pellets

David Turton

Active Member
Im looking at soaking pellets (maybe scalding) to make them soft enough to go in an open ended feeder without using ground bait to bung up each end
Whats peoples thoughts on doing this and how long would the pellets last for once doing this to them (no certain pellets in perticilar most likley a mix of sifferent ones and sizes.
Done it in the past. Either scald by filling with kettle water before you leave, or let them soak over night. If you party fill you will get a mixture of consistencies which helps. I personally think it’s very good at creating instant attraction.
The downside is that you’ve got about 24 hours, after that they just go mouldy and horrid. So any leftover is waste.
Done it in the past. Either scald by filling with kettle water before you leave, or let them soak over night. If you party fill you will get a mixture of consistencies which helps. I personally think it’s very good at creating instant attraction.
The downside is that you’ve got about 24 hours, after that they just go mouldy and horrid. So any leftover is waste.
Thats what i was worried about the leftovers
Would they freeze and be able to use for another day?
I sometimes put some pellets into soak overnight just covered with water, I sometimes add extra flavours hemp oil chilli oil what ever take my fancy👍 Next morning need into a paste to wrap around my hook bait.
If it’s to wet I add fish meal ground bait or ground up pellets. i make it in advance and freeze it👍
I used to scald pellets with water from a boiled kettle but found the consistency, well, too inconsistent!
With 4.5mm trout pellets i add cold water so that it’s not quite covering them, leave for 20mins and then turn over the airtight box and give it a good shake. They are perfect for moulding around a lead after a couple of hours and I can get this out 100yds plus.
Providing they are kept in the fridge between trips mine last up to about a week. I’m not certain though that they are as good after a couple of days.
It all depends on (usually the oil content of ) your pellets. I've got 10kg in the garage that would turn to mush in morning mist, whilst others need a good soak in hot water overnight. It's a matter of 'suck it and see' really ... experiment on small amounts until you can reproduce perfect results time after time.
I've got a pellet pump, which works by vacuuming the air out and pulling water into dry pellets that I had to soften pellets for pole fishing, I've not tried it with bigger pellets but it should work which means you could soften small amounts at a time as and when required leaving non to go off or requiring freezer space.
Its good for getting flavours into bland pellets such as skrettings.
I've got a pellet pump, which works by vacuuming the air out and pulling water into dry pellets that I had to soften pellets for pole fishing, I've not tried it with bigger pellets but it should work which means you could soften small amounts at a time as and when required leaving non to go off or requiring freezer space.
Its good for getting flavours into bland pellets such as skrettings.
....as long as there is air in the pellets in the first place 🤔
Alternatively make a sticky solution from co-co powder or cornflour and hot water and stir that into your boilies or pellets. They will hold together until they hit the water.