All manner of depths and flow speeds I’m hoping Wayne.
I have shortened the stems on a lot of floats over the years where the intended use is to run through fast shallow water. I think some are just too long anyway and need a bit chopped off to be better more useable floats.
There’s definitely a limit you can go to before you start to effect stability and I don’t know what that limit is with these as i haven’t done enough with them to know.
Ian is right that by taking them down off the wire, you are increasing the amount of weight required to set them.
The stems are aluminum and pretty light still so you’d get away with an inch or so before seeing the weight difference effect the stick out
I’m going to fish a backwater at the weekend below a weir and I’ll be taking the floats. It’s very shallow and pacy down there. I’ll cut a couple stems down and see how they go.
Holding them back is what they are very very good at I’m finding and that is definitely helped by the addition of the weight in the stem so i wouldn’t want to go too mad chopping them up
Took them out for another short afternoon trip today to the nene main river
First cast…. Straight into a tree

they fly like arrows btw
When i eventually did decide to stop pissing about in trees and start putting them in the river the action wasn’t great and I pressed on into darkness for 7 decent chub and a load of scratty bits.
Floats were great I’m really enjoying them.
Cant half see the things for miles.
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