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Simon Lush

Senior Member
Long time ambition to bag a 20lb hound finally came right the other day, with a chunk to spare ! 23lb :)


  • DSC_4884_2.jpg
    87.1 KB · Views: 233
Many congrats Simon, a great fish...:)
Well done on the PB Simon....and they certainly are a lovely looking fish aren't they? Cracking photo too....was that with the D5100?

Cheers, Dave.
Cheers lads, thats right up there with any fish i,ve ever caught, i knew from the start it was a lump, took loads of line,(they do in shallow water) and loads of time to coax it back to the boat, there is nothing more dispiriting than getting the leader knot back on the reel then to see it slide back off and disappear again ! that happened 7 or 8 times, my nerves were shredded by the time Rawley netted it.

Dave, no mate, d300, thats just a straight off the camera j.peg, need to get my man to sort the RAW files for me !