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Shimano aspire ultra feeder.

Alec Hague

Senior Member & Supporter
Having finally laid my hands on the 13' float version makes more more convinced to continue to look for a feeder, lighter end of range preferably. If you know of one , please shout
Bump having now tried the float today, I am very seriously looking for the feeder version. Can anyone help me on this.
Although had a couple of takes today was the first time I christened the aspire float with actual landed fish. 10/11 and 14 lb commons, the later fought so much it frazzled some mono. Makes me even more convinced my final rod purchase will be the medium feeder. Caught a 15.2 last week and a 12 today on the x7 , that's a cracking rod too but not destined to be an all time favourite as it's talents really lay elsewhere to the fishing I do these days.