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Seeking a mini big pit reel - any suggestions?

Ady Brayshaw

Senior Member & Supporter
Seeking the above for my tench rods (Chimera 2's 12 1.75 lb TC). Fishing at range. Must have a bait-runner facility & good engineering reliability. Doesn't have to be the Daiwa Shimano brands.
Diawa emblem br25a or castizm br25a great reels
Yes very nice reels indeed, but when spooled totally unbalance the lighter Chimera 2 blank. If they were hooked up a 3.25 carp rod, well that's fine tbh. I have had a Ch2, an absolutely beautiful blank thats stood the test of time. Now you say at range, how far? You'd be very good if you can cast a feeder past 70yds with these. Even less if the ringing is small diameter etc and that's where buying a bigger spooled reel, doesn't help at all.
The whisker QD isn’t a baitrunner so to use the free spool feature you need to back the clutch off 1/2 a turn.
A baitrunner imo is a lot more convenient allowing you to maintain a pre set clutch and the convenience of just turning the handle to knock it off rather than piss about twiddling the cap mid battle to get it something near

Realistically @Ady Brayshaw I think your going to find them all rather cumbersome on chimeras 2’s being lighter action rods and most mini pit reels Starting around 500g in weight and rather large bulky reels

The closest thing I know of to something that would do your intended task would be a reel I absolutely hate due to the nature of it’s shallow spool skirt taking line behind it when you cannot physically feather down a cast and that would be a 4000 shimano baitrunner aero x. I don’t think you will ever suffer the problems I did with it as your casting at distance and able to feather down.

It’s probably perfect for what you’re after. Casts really well, perfect size and weight and it has the baitrunner. Like I say I wouldn’t own another but I think it’s perfect for you
Yes very nice reels indeed, but when spooled totally unbalance the lighter Chimera 2 blank. If they were hooked up a 3.25 carp rod, well that's fine tbh. I have had a Ch2, an absolutely beautiful blank thats stood the test of time. Now you say at range, how far? You'd be very good if you can cast a feeder past 70yds with these. Even less if the ringing is small diameter etc and that's where buying a bigger spooled reel, doesn't help at all.
Further than the ~60 yards I'm currently achieving with my loaded 2 ounce feeders. Using 2nd hand 90's Shimano aero 6000's currently. From the sound of it, I don't think I'll be casting much further. Just about to start fishing the bigger pits further south.
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I have Castism reels paired with Torrix 1 75, 2lb rods and on my Chimera No 3s. They are great reels and, bearing in mind, when feeder/lead fishing the balance of rod and reel is not something I care about as I am not holding the rod for long periods. The rod / reel balance is a different issue though when it comes to float fishing .
I have 5000 GTEb's on my chimera 2's and they fit perfectly. Not a mini big pit but IMO anything bigger than a 6000 would be too big.