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I'm about the same - I've accumulated loads over the years. Ironically the more scales I have , the less fish I actually weigh nowadays.
I thought the flyweights would be perfect but I dont think they lasted a season. But something that size and weight but with some robust innards would be perfect.

Yeah , you're probably right thinking about it. I'm struggling to think on any I'd trust more than Avons?
A few yars ago I invested in Electro Samsons which I hoped would be my ' forever' scales. Worked fine at first and cross checked against other scales they were bang on. Then I caught a big chub, weighed it and it was a big 7 on the Electro Samsons. I was elated but...it didn't stack up.
Reset them, weighed again and got an insulting 5lb odd... Weighed again...6lb something
At this point I gave up and returned this fish, to this day I don't know what it actually weighed but ive had enough of them to know it was a good 6.
On the same day, I dropped them and that as they say, was that - £50 down the swanny.
Only thing with Avons is I find that I can only use lightweight weigh slings. By this I mean I will hang a wetted sling off the scales and zero them before weighing the fish. If the sling is too heavy they won't zero correctly and can weigh ' heavy'.
Normally only a problem if using retaining/ pike slings. When piking I use RH biggies, which I also rate highly.

Same, I zero them to read 1lb and knock 1lb off the end result. I've tried it with a 4oz, 6oz etc "zero" and weighed the same item and got the same results after deducting the "zero"!

I bought a set of flyweights which I checked against a set that I knew to be accurate, they were a few ounces out so I returned them and called the shop asking them to check the replacements weighed the error in difference, they did and were spot on when I got them. They've recently started sticking between zero and a true result, I'm going to have them in bits and try to service them, they were good for years!
I had a set of RH flyweights which I weighed a big barbel on at 16lb then discovered that they were sticking by at least a pound, something they had never done before! Still have a pair of 32lb Avons which are just a bit too bulky and not large enough in equal measure to be used everywhere. I bought a set of Wychwood digital scales upto 60lb when I joined a local carp pit a few years ago (incidentally, wouldn’t have been enough had I been lucky😂) and the bloody things are awful.
I too need another set…..
I've just bought a set of these and checked them against my avons. They weigh exactly the same! I never thought I'd go digital but for £16 I thought they were worth a punt.

One advantage I can think of straight off the bat is the tare function, I'm a stickler for accuracy and I zero my scales to my weigh sling with every fish, a slightly wetter sling weighs slightly more etc. No messing about with these, wet the sling, hang on the scale and tare it, I think I'm going to like them.
I’ve just got me a brand new set of 32lb Avons! ….well not quite new they are actually over fifty years old but our very own Richard Isaacs has given them the once over for me and they look BRILLIANT!
Rich agreed to give them a service for me after I had them weigh checked at The Tenchfishers SGM a couple of months back. They were found to be well out and Rich now has them weighing within an ounce with his known weight weights !
Many Thanks Rich, brilliant job 😁👍👍
Had a few sets over the year and settled on the Korum digital scales. Compact and accurate. Only tested against other two sets of digital kitchen scales. And they can't all be out by exactly the same amount - well, then can, but I don't believe in coincidence.
Had a few sets over the year and settled on the Korum digital scales. Compact and accurate. Only tested against other two sets of digital kitchen scales. And they can't all be out by exactly the same amount - well, then can, but I don't believe in coincidence.
I’ve got Korum for my day to usage Richard. A good set of weighing equipment in my book. Recently had to buy a new set ‘cos I kicked (accidentally) my last set into the lake 🥴 I wanted my Avons working properly’cos the were bought for me many years ago by my late Mum. Now they’re working I’ll be giving them some work but the taring facility and ease of use of the Korum’s will still have them as my preferred scale
Had a few sets over the year and settled on the Korum digital scales. Compact and accurate. Only tested against other two sets of digital kitchen scales. And they can't all be out by exactly the same amount - well, then can, but I don't believe in coincidence.
Yes I have these and am happy with them. The first set that I bought when they first came out are better than the newest ones with the light. They seem to take longer to settle and lock than the first ones. I once tried to weigh a big 30 Carp on them and gave up. They wouldn't settle. For lighter weights they are fine. I bought a set of Reuben Heaton digital. They are a bit bulky but the tare facility is good and I've weighed Carp to mid 40s on them no problem.
I've still got a set of old 8lb max Avons used for winter perch chub & roach.
In fact I might as well use them for all my barbel fishing as well....


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Has anyone tried the Reuben Heaton Microweigh 8000?
I had a set of flyweights that were awful, cheap, nasty and inaccurate, so they got bined.
I don't weigh a lot of fish so just bought a pair of the tiny cheap luggage scales off Ebay as a replacement.
3 years on, and they still work fine, only just on their second set of batteries, and every time I test them on known weights they're bang on.
They seem to be fine with me, although for no other reason than I like a change from time to time, I am interested in the compact digital korum ones... The model of which escapes me. 👍