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rolling meat

Ross Wilcox

Senior Member
hi all
guess this has heen asked befor

i have a rolling pin rell loaded with 15lbs braid
would i need a mono leader
can i put braid straght to the hook lenth

up to you, depends on you if you believe in the scissor effect on a fish's mouth.
I've a rolling pin loaded with braid Ross, and prefer a mono hooklength with a bit of 'stretch' to help with those last minute lunges.. I also find it easier to keep in contact while playing a fish - with braid straight through it sometimes goes a bit slack during the fight if the fish quickly turns towards me.

I don't generally use mine for rolling a bait - in that situation the benefits of braid 'straight through' may outweigh the disadvantages..
High Ross,

I have lost count of how many carp I have caught using a braid hooklength, and many of those were with braid mainline as well (and some of these were seriously big fish ) I have NEVER had any damage to the fish whatsoever that could be attributed to the fabled 'cheese wire' effect.

I agree that barbel are a different shape in general, which may make them more prone to problems if the line wrapped completely around them, but the thing is, how far do we take this fretting and getting stressed out about the possible problems associated with the tackle we use. In carping there were so many of these scare stories you could end up being a nervouse wreck :D
Carping without a leader can cause scale lifting? I never had that happen either :rolleyes:

Just think about the fact that carp, and to a much lesser extent barbel 'experts' now almost outnumber the fish :D The pundits that rely on magazine articles etc. for their entire income need to fill those column inches with something...and there are only so many ways you can catch a fish :rolleyes:

we are fishermen...thats what we do. As a result, there will inevitably be accidents. Of course we are duty bound to prevent problems where ever possible, but we must be sensible about this. The alternative, if you wish to guarantee not harming the fish, is to not go fishing :D

Cheers, Dave.
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