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Thanks Chris, will see if i can get some in Hinders or Cotswold Angling, i'm sure they both do some of the gamakatsu range. Mind you, the B911s are okay in the meantime. Has the drennan sedge hook changed name to the stimulator sedge? as the old drennan sedge hooks seem a bit thin on the ground.


Ah yes Paul, twas pretty shallow, but a light waggler may do the trick, who knows. The roach came to very buoyant crust on a short link, with a few swan shot on patanoster.
As for hooks, on all my roach fishing (bar float fishing) since before I care to remember, these have always been my first choice, be it for bread, maggot, worm, caster AND cheese. (don't overlook the roach's love of mature cheddar)


ps I never use eyed hooks when light hook lengths are the order of the day.

pps a little softened cheese, smeared to the crumb side of the crust is deadly at night. ;)
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Thanks Chris, i always seem to take the easy option when perhaps i should try the float, just not confident with one on shallow water and i know its a chink in my armour. Those hooks look nice mate, i think i may even have some from a previous life. ;) Have not tried the cheese and there are no chub to muscle in on the action, so definitely worth a try i think. Funny, i went the other way and use a long hooklength up to four feet with a v small cage feeder on a pat. Will think about the short link.:)


Hi Paul,

I'm afraid you're not quite right about the Chub... they may not be in present in the same numbers as the Thames or Kennet, but they're definitely in there! They never really used to go to any size, but in the last few years a few bigger fish have started showing - no doubt linked the the growing population of signal crayfish. Last year I had a chub of 5.07 from the bend I was telling you about - very big for that part of the avon!!

All the best


Absolutely right mate, had one small one last week that i forgot about, but i havent seen them in numbers. :eek:

Had another go last night, for an exact repeat of tuesdays nights efforts. 1 trout and another 1lb roach, plus 4 crays (cooked and in the fridge). :D Not ideal conditions, but fun all the same and i'm sure the bigger fish are around somewhere.



That is the area i'm concentrating on at the moment, one or two evenings after work. Just waiting for the big 2s to show up. Also upstream of 'the well' shortly i hope and have been searching up nr pinkney as well. Dont know the area really, just finding my feet and have two fishing buddies in the town. If you know of some worthwhile areas, i'd be pleased to hear. How many beers must i owe you know. ;)


Used to be my local for many years when I lived in Tetbury. The upper Avon did have the odd big roach but above Malmesbury can be a problem with the 'fly' only muckers:)
So it starts just above the road bridge in the town and down to Cow Bridge farm, the latter I have had my current pb roach at 2.75lb. I saw on that day when I caught that fish some bigger Roach it was shoaled with, been a few years since I have fished Malmesbury so not up to speed.
Witnessed a couple of occasions anglers fishing the Fire Station above the weir catch quality roach on the 'tip far bank, but that was when the river was carrying extra and only on a mild winters day, so limited opportunities.
I would say upstream of Cow Bridge Farm to be better all round for the better roach. Downstream of Cow Bridge and over the road bridge is posssibly the best part of the BA bar none, but it was a private works water (Bell Industries) Swindon, but well worth investigating.
Never did that well at Daniels Well, looks good though, out of Malmesbury downstream above Chippenham would be my choice, rarely fished.
Steady Neil, you'll have every Tom, Dick and Harry down there!! ;-)

Below Cowbrige is controlled (rigorously) by Somerford Angling Association - or something like that. Very exclusive, by invitation only etc, etc.

Just a thought, late in the day, but it is summer and possibly you'd be avoiding the crays......... hemp and tares.
These were always my par excellent bait on the Bristol Avon in the summer and autumn months. And I have used tare on the lead, short link again = big wraps.
Somerford Angling Association have been struggling to get members I would imagine joining.might not be that hard as long ad you don't mind stumping up several hundred quid. Don't just assume either that Malmsbury is the only place to catch big roach on the B.A. I've seen some crackers.
Neil, above cowbridge is on my radar (courtesy of pm already received). I had a chance to fish the bit at cowbridge down from the weir to the bridge a few years ago, but let it go at the time and i dont think it has fished well in recent years. I may have a look above the weir after work friday.

Clive, as i work in Sherston, but live in Swindon, Malmesbury area suits as i can do a few hours on the way home and there seems to be plenty to go at.I know some of the Amalgamated waters have some cracking roach nearer to chippenham. Cant afford Somerford and i know a handful on there

Chris, have thought about hemp and tares as i am getting plagued by crays on bread.

Thanks for comments chaps

Paul, crays like cheese too. :p

I have caught roach to *lb downstream of Freshford. Also there used to be some clonkers on the downstream side of Bath.

Some biggies in Chippenham, cracking perch there now also.
Chris, they seem to like everything. ;) But, i am looking forward to a nice cray salad and glass of red very soon. :D

Gonna stick with Malmesbury area for time being as i already have a few places to investigate and it is so convenient. :)

Steady Neil, you'll have every Tom, Dick and Harry down there!! ;-)

Below Cowbrige is controlled (rigorously) by Somerford Angling Association - or something like that. Very exclusive, by invitation only etc, etc.


Hi Stu
I doubt you will get every Tom Dick and Harry down there, Carp and Barbel not featuring here :)
I know the Somerford stretch below Cowbridge but I was rather more upstream than that.
Somerford is expensive, due to it's fly boy's, that aside there is still some oppurtunity for some reasonable roach fishing on the upper Avon without having to join such exclusive clubs.I think Roach especially the larger ones feel pressure more than most other species, however I do hope there are a few left, it's just locating them I guess:)
Shame the Crays have a foothold in the Avon, it was only going to be a matter of time I suppose, I remember that Sherston had a good head of native cray fish some years ago.
Somerford Angling Association have been struggling to get members I would imagine joining.might not be that hard as long ad you don't mind stumping up several hundred quid. Don't just assume either that Malmsbury is the only place to catch big roach on the B.A. I've seen some crackers.

That's good Clive, as a kid I used to fish the 'free' stretches at Bath and there was alaways a clonking roach that would turn up on my less than refined tackle.
Remember we used to stand on Saltford weir and run our hooks up the silt and trot the 'weed', the roach used to snaffle that, no doubt attracted by the small inverabrae in the silt.
Hopefully the BA roach are still fit and well, and just as elusive:)
Guys sorry bout this but tried searching on net and tried tracking down ones in books but to no avail so What hooks for flake would you recommend ?

If you check back a couple of pages, this was a question i asked recently. I havent tried some of the hooks mentioned yet as i seem to be getting on okay with kamasan barbless 911s in a 14, but also have some 520s to try, which are even finer in the wire. Others with much more Roach experience, may be able to expand.

Seem to be plagued by brown trout at the momemt, but landed a nice 1lb 1oz redfin last night, so getting there very slowly. Conditions have been a bit bright, but last night was perfect weather. :)

Cheers Paul got some 911's that I used on stillwater with heli rigs used to use 520 when I match fished , have just ordered some of the drennan feeder hooks so will give them a go , also looking at hooklinks , was advised to use 2lb or below but asked for clarification on whether thats based on breaking strain or diameter , been usinf Silstar match team

Ive been using .11mm reflo powerline and was thinking i might drop down to the 10mm or 9mm as i am missing some very cute bites at the moment. :eek:

Good luck matey.

Managed a 1-8 last night, so slowly edging up the weight, but still a way off the target for a new pb and a half decent 2 plusser. Enjoying every minute of this challenge though; completely side tracked for the time being. :D
Nice one Paul , better to edge up than peak quick and leave yourself nowhere to go