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Reserving swims?!

On the syndicates where I knew of swim reserving it was just good manners that prevented others from climbing onto the back of work done by another member, there were never any arguments about who got there first or who should fish the swim from the off, if it achieved that and was accepted by all members it worked well, I wouldn't think that it was ridiculous.

Hello Graham . My comment of ' ridiculous ' was made in the context of the presented scenario,i.e. of a bailiff saying it was fine to reserve a swim presumably by putting a sign on it . Now on a syndicate where others are aware of fellow members preparing a swim then if they agree to respect that and let he / she fish in said swim then that's fine . That is a very different story to sticking your sign in the ground on a water open to all saying this is my spot , go away , that is selfish , unsporting , and yes , ridiculous . Oooh I could crush a grape
Nor could I Joe, I have known anglers make round trips of over 100 miles 3/4 times a week to prebait (I did it myself years ago) if that respect for other anglers did not exist I can just imagine the scene on the bank.

Why anyone would want to "reserve" a swim on a river at the beginning of the season escapes me, they are invariably in poor condition, some fish will still be spawning other having spawned will be in poor condition, just being back on the river after 3 months should be enough.

I think they might be carpers that do that, you seem to get a few carp lads on the river the first day or two then they go back to their ponds, we however are made of sterner stuff.
Anyway, you could always say that you thought the "reserved" sign was there simply to indicate the general character and personality of the fish in that part of the river. Further along the stretch there could be another sign saying "eccentric". Tactics could then be adjusted accordingly.

Pure Quality
I find it difficult to believe that anyone could reserve a swim on a river. I know that Jack Harrigan used to have first claim on his famous swim but did not object when a young chap was fishing it.

In my dotage fishing is really just about being there!

As ever,

Hello Graham . My comment of ' ridiculous ' was made in the context of the presented scenario,i.e. of a bailiff saying it was fine to reserve a swim presumably by putting a sign on it . Now on a syndicate where others are aware of fellow members preparing a swim then if they agree to respect that and let he / she fish in said swim then that's fine . That is a very different story to sticking your sign in the ground on a water open to all saying this is my spot , go away , that is selfish , unsporting , and yes , ridiculous . Oooh I could crush a grape

Sorry Mike I got hold of the wrong end of the stick, (not the first time doubt it will be the last)
The fact that this apparently does happen on syndicate lakes I find astonishing. If there is no democratic system of deciding who gets first choice or whatever, the chances of conflict and disharmony must be enormous.

To say that everyone is aware that a particular swim is being worked on, and that everyone else respects that, still begs the question of how it was determined who had the right to start work on that swim in the first place.

Depending on it's size, there usually are at least a couple of prime swims on a water, which would obviously be popular....meaning there could be half a dozen anglers turning up to 'work on' each of those swims on the first day of the closed season, in preparation for the new one.

The mind boggles! :D

Cheers, Dave.
my local club has a popular carp lake that has a traditional close season,,in the close season the anglers do work parties on the lake and in return get there names in the draw for pegs for the beginning of the season,,if they do 6 work parties they get their name in the hat once,,if they do 8 then they get 2 goes.. whoever comes out 1st out of the hat gets 1st choice.... this system has worked well for many years.
There will always be "banker" swims and my guess is this person will chose one of those. Last season one of my bankers didn't produce for me. Having reserved his swi'm this guy is unlikely to move off in a hurry. So I think I prefer my approach of roving between swims until I find one that produces.
my local club has a popular carp lake that has a traditional close season,,in the close season the anglers do work parties on the lake and in return get there names in the draw for pegs for the beginning of the season,,if they do 6 work parties they get their name in the hat once,,if they do 8 then they get 2 goes.. whoever comes out 1st out of the hat gets 1st choice.... this system has worked well for many years.

Now THAT sounds like a proper system...sounds pretty infallible to me. Not sure how the old and incapacitated anglers would get on though.

Cheers, Dave.
Wasn't any system on the syndicate waters where I have known this to happen, the waters were fairly large and the "going" swims could be anywhere on the pit depending on weather, wind, lines in the water from one bank e.t.c.

Not all syndicate members chose to prebait, some of those that did had a result at the opening of the water others didn't, those that did all knew who was doing what and where, never any fall outs never any squabbles.

No work parties were done by any members and certainly none done during a time when things were growing and creatures other than fish were breeding.
Sounds like a fair system Iain and I believe Prince Albert AS operate a similar system for new waters and work parties, though obviously none of its members will be able to confirm or deny this :p