I only have 4 barbel rods these days. I’ve dwindled down to find 2 sets that practically cover everything I could want and these have dedicated reels that will only be used on them.
Pike rods the same … dwindled it down from 7-3 rods, now with their own reels but as far as match reels are concerned I only use daiwa TDX reels and I’ve got 3. I must have 10 float rods at least maybe more if I start digging into unused for a long time territory.
I don’t keep them made up all the time and there for any of those TDX reels could end up on at least any one of 6 commonly used float rods depending on where I’m going. I’ve still got a no2 17ft carbotec to try out at some point hopefully before the season ends. Again it’s going to get a TDX fitted to it. It’s the only fixed spool reel I’ve ever found to tick all the boxes for me when it comes to trotting a float.