Please do tell about the chair leg through the punt. I remember the story of one guy who stood up in a punt when he hooked a powerful carp. He leaned back to put more pressure on and the line snapped. He fell backwards into the lake and completely disappeared under the water still holding his rod which remained sticking out above the surface like a periscope. Seconds later he emerged spluttering and thrashing about in the water at which point a baliff called out "No wading here mate - you're banned"
Like many fishing tales Ian, you had to be there.
Four of us split up and shared two punts then paddled across the lake to fish the " jungle " for tench.
We anchored the punts fairly close to each other and had been fishing for a few hours when panic broke out in the other punt. A chair leg had gone clean through the bottom of their boat, and the culprit was laughing his head off much to the dismay of his partner who was taking this unfortunate turn of events extremely seriously,... could have been something to do with him being a non swimmer!
The situation was deteriorating fast with the " pee can " being deployed to bail out.
My fishing buddy turned round to me and said " should we help? "
We both said simultaneously " naa" !!
Meanwhile in the other punt one was bailing and the other trying to block up the hole with a loaf of bread
Up came the anchors and one frantically paddled whilst the other continued to force the, now soggy loaf into the breach, sometimes having to keep the pressure on with his foot to allow more frantic bailing.
As we watched the unhappy crew make slow progress towards the boathouse ( along with 20 odd other very amused bank anglers ) , the punt was very low in the water and actually sank in front of the boathouse.
Why they decided not to row to the nearest bit of bank can only be put down to panic and the fear of breaking one of GR's golden rules!
My very wet mate thought he ought to break the bad news to Rowlesy and advised him that one of his punts had a hole in it. Understatement or what!
GR replied " I can assure you that none of my boats have got holes in! "
My mate replied " I can assure you that ours has ! "
Then on inspecting the wreck he then proceeded to give both of them the third degree and said he would not be letting them loose in any of his boats for the foreseeable future.
He and his bailiffs had recovered the punt by the time we rowed back in .
As I said, you had to be there