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Old age.....

Adrian Mitchell

Senior Member & Supporter
Have not been able to fish since last week.We have a allotment which we both enjoy but I must admit we are struggling to keep up to.To make maintenance easier spent last weekend building some raised beds.Buggered my back up doing that !.How ironic.
Never mind I thought,hopefully it will be O.K for the 16th.Received a letter yesterday from the hospital confirming my wife's minor operation for which she has been waiting a while for the 17th.I could not persuade her to cancel (she can be selfish sometimes) but it means she cant drive for a couple of weeks and I will have to be available for chauffeur duty.Ah well,good luck to everyone out and about and will follow your posts closely whilst sulking.Stay safe all.
Have not been able to fish since last week.We have a allotment which we both enjoy but I must admit we are struggling to keep up to.To make maintenance easier spent last weekend building some raised beds.Buggered my back up doing that !.How ironic.
Never mind I thought,hopefully it will be O.K for the 16th.Received a letter yesterday from the hospital confirming my wife's minor operation for which she has been waiting a while for the 17th.I could not persuade her to cancel (she can be selfish sometimes) but it means she cant drive for a couple of weeks and I will have to be available for chauffeur duty.Ah well,good luck to everyone out and about and will follow your posts closely whilst sulking.Stay safe all.
Hope it works out for you both Adrian….as much as I am always excited about opening week I always find it a bit of an anti climax
Old age…
My June 16th last year…
In the morning my gear was assembled in the garage for an evening session…
Dinner time I developed a severe pain in my stomach…
Evening I was in an ambulance on my way to hospital…
Diagnosed as Appendicitis…
‘We can’t operate Mr T. It’s too close to your last heart attack’…
A week of intravenous antibiotics followed and I survived (again✌️)
I still have my appendix ( for now).
I am already scouting out a couple of likely venues for this season, you never know, I might even survive until then…😂🤦‍♂️😵‍💫
Tight Lines,
Old age…
My June 16th last year…
In the morning my gear was assembled in the garage for an evening session…
Dinner time I developed a severe pain in my stomach…
Evening I was in an ambulance on my way to hospital…
Diagnosed as Appendicitis…
‘We can’t operate Mr T. It’s too close to your last heart attack’…
A week of intravenous antibiotics followed and I survived (again✌️)
I still have my appendix ( for now).
I am already scouting out a couple of likely venues for this season, you never know, I might even survive until then…😂🤦‍♂️😵‍💫
Tight Lines,
I thought you were going to say you were already scouting out some venues for your 16th June medical treatment. 😀
Have not been able to fish since last week.We have a allotment which we both enjoy but I must admit we are struggling to keep up to.To make maintenance easier spent last weekend building some raised beds.Buggered my back up doing that !.How ironic.
Never mind I thought,hopefully it will be O.K for the 16th.Received a letter yesterday from the hospital confirming my wife's minor operation for which she has been waiting a while for the 17th.I could not persuade her to cancel (she can be selfish sometimes) but it means she cant drive for a couple of weeks and I will have to be available for chauffeur duty.Ah well,good luck to everyone out and about and will follow your posts closely whilst sulking.Stay safe all.
Just make sure she's aware of what you are putting off to ferry her about! 😂
Have not been able to fish since last week.We have a allotment which we both enjoy but I must admit we are struggling to keep up to.To make maintenance easier spent last weekend building some raised beds.Buggered my back up doing that !.How ironic.
Never mind I thought,hopefully it will be O.K for the 16th.Received a letter yesterday from the hospital confirming my wife's minor operation for which she has been waiting a while for the 17th.I could not persuade her to cancel (she can be selfish sometimes) but it means she cant drive for a couple of weeks and I will have to be available for chauffeur duty.Ah well,good luck to everyone out and about and will follow your posts closely whilst sulking.Stay safe all.
If there’s ever an excuse for a new rod you got it there
Just to pee on everyone’s chips the 16th falls on a Sunday which is also Father’s Day so expect the banks to be busy with dads with new rods 😂😂
Thanks everyone for your replies and sympathy.I must admit,being on the bank on the first day of the season isn"t as important to me as it once was.
I had also forgotten about the euros starting.I may have to cancel any more D.I.Y. projects on medical grounds.As for the chauffeuring,that is my ace in the hole to be played in the future.Stay safe all.
Best of luck Adrian hopefully when your released you'll make up for it.
as much as it’s nice to be reacquainted with a river again in June, it’s never really a great month for it and theres the influx of solar powered anglers all coming out of hibernation. You won’t be missing much by giving it till mid July before starting up.
I have lost count of the number of times the 16th has been a bit of an anticlimax. I have long given up arriving at 2pm on the 15th, setting up my stall and cheking out the other swims, doing a bit of prebaiting and watching other anglers doing exactly the same. Then when midnight arrives the sounds of feeders hitting the surface and the bloody interminable Beep Beep of the alarms of those of us who cannot be bothered to watch their rods. 🤬

Its just too much trouble and hassle. Much rather leave it a couple of weeks, maybe walk the banks and seek out the swims a bit further from the car that most would bother to walk to . Then, maybe then I would arrive midweek , very early and spend a couple of hours roaming around .

I have lost count of the number of times the 16th has been a bit of an anticlimax. I have long given up arriving at 2pm on the 15th, setting up my stall and cheking out the other swims, doing a bit of prebaiting and watching other anglers doing exactly the same. Then when midnight arrives the sounds of feeders hitting the surface and the bloody interminable Beep Beep of the alarms of those of us who cannot be bothered to watch their rods. 🤬

Its just too much trouble and hassle. Much rather leave it a couple of weeks, maybe walk the banks and seek out the swims a bit further from the car that most would bother to walk to . Then, maybe then I would arrive midweek , very early and spend a couple of hours roaming around .

Agree David.I too used to be out and about on the 15th but came to realise like yourself it wasn't worth the hassle and the 16th now doesn't generate the same excitement that it used to.Whether its because you can now fish all year if you wish to I don't know, but being on a river is still preferable to fishing stillwaters for me.
From experience you should never try and postpone a hospital appointment, you may have to wait another 3 months. NHS is in freefall, keep those appointments.
What veg ya planting in the raised beds?
Old age…
My June 16th last year…
In the morning my gear was assembled in the garage for an evening session…
Dinner time I developed a severe pain in my stomach…
Evening I was in an ambulance on my way to hospital…
Diagnosed as Appendicitis…
‘We can’t operate Mr T. It’s too close to your last heart attack’…
A week of intravenous antibiotics followed and I survived (again✌️)
I still have my appendix ( for now).
I am already scouting out a couple of likely venues for this season, you never know, I might even survive until then…😂🤦‍♂️😵‍💫
Tight Lines,
Appendix is a do without but a pulse isn't so cherish the later!