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New merchandise from BFW

Dean Aston

Senior Member
Due to demand BFW are now doing hooded tops now in pink . :p
Dean, I fully understand why the wearer of that top had their head out of frame on the photo. After all, what complete gaylord would wear something like that eh?:p:p:p:p:p:p

p.s, how was the fit?:D:D:D:D
well dean, u will will certainly been seen and not missed ,lol has someone put you up to this, lol eddie
This colour scheme would come into its own on a lake near Coventry called Coombe Park (renowned for zander, pike & bream) where there are large growths of pink flowering rhododendrons that line the waters edge. September & beyond - probably will need some good sessions soiling.
Apart from pink is the new camo Ive asked Andy about a pink top as fingers cross Im trying to get a fish inn or some thing along them lines early next season to raise money for breast cancer thats why its pink .
There are more extreme pinks in angling (really!!) such as....
Bruce&Walker did a pink Hexagraph for someone a few years back :eek:
- for the very same reason as you give.
Long term BFW'rs will probably guess who for.....
and how many 'pink pounds' will it be;)
Apart from pink is the new camo Ive asked Andy about a pink top as fingers cross Im trying to get a fish inn or some thing along them lines early next season to raise money for breast cancer thats why its pink .

Dean, good & appropriate thoughts n' cause. Nice one.
