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New Gardner net and pole review....

Andy Frances

Staff member
Thanks, Steve, for taking time to write up the review.

I use the net, and like it so far. My screws haven't yet become loose (well, the ones on the net haven't) but I'll look out for it - so thanks also for the heads up.

There's a thread on handles currently on BFW and the handle (which I don't own) gets mixed reviews, though most are positive.
Rich I would get on that case of those screws before the net head drifts off with your p.b. into the distance!
My screws became loose. Used a bit of superglue which has been fine for a couple of years but they've worked loose again, so I'll try something like an epoxy resin this time.

About 3 years ago, the spreader block broke. I'd landed an 11lb barbel from a high bank, and when I came to unscrew the net at the end of the session, the screw part just sheared off! Gardner were excellent and sent me a new one overnight and explained they'd had a bad batch, and the new ones were fine. No problems since and if I lost it I'd buy the same again.
As my old gardner net used to attract every shrub for miles around to it, resulting in a tear. I replaced it with the same model but the new one dosent have any of the screws that had been problematic on the old one so i guess gardner have now sorted that small problem out.