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New big river rod

Martin Stevens

Senior Member
Hi all

I am planning a change of location this year and one of the possible locations, the lower Thames, would require me to purchase a new stepped up rod.

I have asked the guys on the TAC forum for advice and the concencus seems to be that a rod of 2lb to 2.5lb tc is the order of the day. Now as lack of funds is and issue I was looking to do this on a budget. Most barbel rods of that tc are going to set me back at least £100. A light carp rod of similar quality could be as little as £50 due to their unpopularity with carpers.

Can any of the big river guys on here give me their recommendations? At the moment I'd rather have an idea of what is suitable and well rated, I'll worry about budget later (it's my fortieth this year so I may be able to swing an early birthday present)

Cheers in advance
Hi Mate

if you need a rod over 2lb TC look at the ESP Vertex Carp rod these are a really slim blank with great through action. Not sure on the price these days.

Hi Mate

if you need a rod over 2lb TC look at the ESP Vertex Carp rod these are a really slim blank with great through action. Not sure on the price these days.


About two hundred notes if I found the right rod online. Just a tad over my budget!

Thanks for the suggestion though.
The Wychwood Maximiser 13' is an excellent rod if your budget will stretch that far but you could have a 12' 2lb Wychwood Rogue for less than half the price of the Maximiser and that will certainly do the job.
Thanks for the advice, nice to have a few quick replies. The maximiser is available for just under a ton from Chapmans. This is above my budget but possibly reachable given the earlier bit in brackets. I didn't realise the rogue came in a 2lb tc so thanks for that.

Just a little note, could those who make suggestions let me know what experience they have of the rods they mention? It's nice to know that they're not just being mentioned after Internet searches.

Martin i've both the Rogue and Maximiser in my collection. A good friend of mine is fishing the tidal Ribble as we type with a pair of 2lb Rogues and it was carrying over 5m of flood water this morning! ;) Great rods for the money - if i was to be ultra critical they are a tad heavy but then what do you expect for £50 and it's not like you will be holding it all day! The playing action is great and they'll lob 6oz in no problem.
Get on Ebay and pick up a good condition 2nd hand Carp rod...
agree with what Andrew has said, i'v only had a small go with the maximiser but have owned a few others. I currently have a Big River Barbel which is 2lb and will cope with most situations on my local Wye.
i have a wychwood big river barbel flood rod,picked it up brand new for 45 notes.....awsome rod,great action,wouldnt hesitate to get another one. :)
i have a wychwood big river barbel flood rod,picked it up brand new for 45 notes.....awsome rod,great action,wouldnt hesitate to get another one. :)

i'v been looking for another also Clive but there no longer made and I'm yet to see one come up on eBay.
Hi Martin,

I assume the guys are recommending rods of that TC because the order of the day is to launch big feeders a fair distance across the lower? If so, I would have a feel of any carp rods before buying. If they are through action players rods, you may find one of that TC would mean you could only gently lob a big feeder a relatively short distance. In my opinion you would require a faster taper casting rod, one with more grunt lower down, to do what you want.

Cheers, Dave.
fox do a 6lb t/c spod rod,this will throw a wheelie bin full of groundbait 100yds plus,maybe worth a look .......:p
must have a back like a girder, to cast that bin, and arms like the hulk, and a reel as big as a tractor wheel ,lol and a leader like a mouring rope, of a ship,and a home made rod, a telegraph pole, lol
Hi Martin,

I assume the guys are recommending rods of that TC because the order of the day is to launch big feeders a fair distance across the lower? If so, I would have a feel of any carp rods before buying. If they are through action players rods, you may find one of that TC would mean you could only gently lob a big feeder a relatively short distance. In my opinion you would require a faster taper casting rod, one with more grunt lower down, to do what you want.

Cheers, Dave.

Spot on, Dave. TC isn't everything. Definitely buy second hand, if you make a mistake then the chances are that you will lose very little money and you can start again.