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Mouse damage

Mike, as i was reading your post i thought ' this is leading up to - i missed the Rat and shot the Rabbit ! :D good shot though mate :p
Mike, as i was reading your post i thought ' this is leading up to - i missed the Rat and shot the Rabbit ! :D good shot though mate :p

Lol, that's the sort of thing I would do. I once threw a stone at a wood pigeon that was eating my spring cabbages and smashed a pane of glass in my greenhouse. Plonker :mad:
just remember that while fishing with your bag on the floor they can hide, put the stuff in the car and take home, I've had one in the car chewing the wires....and no kidding.

As we were never pestered by the little critters before and have not had any since our invasion my wife and I worked out that my infestation came across the Channel with us in my rod bag after a weeks carp fishing......That'll teach me.
i had to rewire the rear light clusters,but it didn't last long thanks to a trap i left in the boot, i was going to put the cat in car overnight but,err, decided against that one....lol
Good advice there Mark. The mice in my garage have eaten the fly lines off three reels. So make sure your kit is packed away in mouse proof plastic containers. Although i must say they will eat through most plastics.

Same experience and agreed on the second point
Has anyone found an otter in their garage yet.......:)
no!! but i've let the odd cat out.....obviously when I know i don't have a mouse problem anymore. ;)
We don't have water living rodent problems in Basingstoke. A new Indian takeaway has started a chefs special of Tandoori Tarkka, it's like chicken tikka but a litter otter.
I read somewhere, for every person in britain there is a rat, 60 mill plus :eek: So if we all kill one each problem solved lol

We don't have water living rodent problems in Basingstoke. A new Indian takeaway has started a chefs special of Tandoori Tarkka, it's like chicken tikka but a litter otter.

Hehehe, nice one Dave. I suffer with a mice and rat problem with living in a house with open fields behind. We had guinea pigs a few years ago but got rid of them because of the food attracting rats. They got into my neighbours avary and killed all his finches. Mice can get into my garage and I now tend to suspended by bait from the rafters in bags or well sealed plastic containers. Nets go on pegs on the walls as well as I have had net damage before.
A new Indian takeaway has started a chefs special of Tandoori Tarkka, it's like chicken tikka but a litter otter.

the old ones are the best !!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Just read the whole of this thread and I can say for sure I'll be taking a good look in to the way I store my baits and even more so my fishing tackle.
I'd be gutted to find the cork handles on my rods all chewed up and to be honest I'd never given this any thought. I had thought about things like bait clothing and nets getting chewed but for some dumb reason never the cork handles on my rods or my fly lines. :mad:
I will give it some thought tomorrow but not tonight I'm watching the boxing :rolleyes: so I hope the mice are too and I'll get to them early tomorrow morning.
Good thread and plenty of food for thought lol ( not for mice ) :eek:
So far this year I've caught 6 of the little blighters. I don't really like killing them but whenever I've tried the traps that catch them alive I've blanked! I was telling a chap at work this and he told me he's found the humane traps very effective. When I asked him what he did with them when he's caught them the reply surprised me "I chuck the trap into a bucket of water"! :eek: Apparently he just doesn't like the thought a trap won't kill them instantly.
So far this year I've caught 6 of the little blighters. I don't really like killing them but whenever I've tried the traps that catch them alive I've blanked! I was telling a chap at work this and he told me he's found the humane traps very effective. When I asked him what he did with them when he's caught them the reply surprised me "I chuck the trap into a bucket of water"! :eek: Apparently he just doesn't like the thought a trap won't kill them instantly.

His name's not Baldrick, by any chance?
I am waging war on the mouse population in my garage/bait shed. Trapping one mouse per night at the moment. Tonight the corpse appeared to have been shredded by an unidentified opportunist. Would other mice do this? I have had hedgehogs find their way in before. Hopefully not a rat!

I once owned a house with 2 foot thick stone walls held together with crumbling lime mortar and pixie dust. When we bought it it had been empty for a few month's due to probate and was alive with mice which had taken up residence in the spaces in the walls. Oblivious to the irony they were living on a sack of dried cat food left by the previous owner and it must have been mouse heaven.
I started laying traps as soon as we got the keys and baiting them with Christmas cake I was catching several a night. Over the next couple of weeks I must have had 50 of them but I knew I had caught the last one the morning I took one out of the trap and the cake was lying on the floor next to him, it reminded me of one of my Grans old sayings.....The second mouse always gets the cheese.
I am waging war on the mouse population in my garage/bait shed. Trapping one mouse per night at the moment. Tonight the corpse appeared to have been shredded by an unidentified opportunist. Would other mice do this? I have had hedgehogs find their way in before. Hopefully not a rat!



If you have holes big enough for hedgehogs to find their way into your garage/bait shed , I would say it was time to get the hammer and nails out at the very least :D:D
The hedgehog got in when one of my kids left the door open overninght. When it comes to kids we are talking about real pests!

I have been storing one of my mate match fishing gear in my garage for a few months while he moved house. He has been moved in now for about 6 weeks now, and as usual hasnt been to recover is kit so far, even after telling him that the rats and mice will be about very soon. He should have heeded my warning, as on looking at his kit they have bit an hole into his net bag, ate some of his bait, ******* all over his kit and ate halfway through his seat box sling. He wasnt best pleased as nearly all his kit needs a good scrub and disinfecting, with leptospirosis knocking on his door. I have now blocked all the holes up and placed a few traps and let the dogs in to give it a once over.
Anyway he is still a good mate, but his kit stinks.