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Missing thread

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I think it may have been because of the personnal photo which someone posted,whichever way I'm sure they had a valid reason for taking it down,shame really because I'm sure he would have liked the original video.
This one is much better for those that missed the original:
I moved the thread.

Having been on the end of Bob Roberts 'communications' in the past, I've a very valid reason for not wanting to encourage any more.


Andy F
The photo was taken at a friend's 60th birthday party, the party theme was, fairly obviously, the 60's!

I made my own statement at the time! :p

Of course, I even added a comment about it.

Don't know why that should cause it to be moved, Bob himself emailed me to say that it was gone, I think he was enjoying it all.

Andy, I think that you are being over cautious - again, and maybe you should change in in the spirit of this 'new' forum. Just removing threads is unacceptable, the very least you can do is leave an explanation for your actions. Merely removing questionable threads would also prevent a situation from deteriorating, not that this one had really gone that far.

Okay, being on the wrong side of a rant from Bob is no fun but come on, its not like he's going to punch you is it?

I implore you, please give this new site a chance and don't let it go the way of some forums where anything that is in the least bit questionable simply disappears, it is demeaning to the users and not what they deserve.

We've had this very conversation before... I wont speak for Andy but in general I absolutely think that moderators should not need to justify any moderating decisions. I can assure you that in general stuff wont just dissappear, but some times it is necessary, and in those cases I would prefer not to drag the issue out by having another thread to discuss it. This is one of them.

Spot on Andy D.

It made me laugh when this new place was launched and many commented that the riff raff had been given the boot. Real up-ones-self behaviour.

In truth its the same old people dragging the same old names through the mud, having the same old squabbles. It doesn't take half a brain to realise that all this light humoured stuff wasn't light humoured at all. Thats how some of you get by, posting on a level and dressing it up on another.

I make no apologies for the above and it isn't aimed at anyone in particular.
Are you a betting man Dave?

Michael- Made my worthless contribution now. Back to the only place i can be even more worthless, the all loving footie thread;)
Their prerogative aside, a little knowledge of what has occured in the past allows me to see that what BFW have done with the removal of certain threads is well warranted.

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