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Loading new line on a reel ?

Interesting comment there Neil, I'm sure I'm having more line twist since I started using Penn's....They have some very positive points over the Shimano 4000 OC's that I also have but do have to regularly "de-twist" my line!!

I use braid most of the time with a 6 foot leader and never get line twist. However last couple of years I have a couple of infinity 1.75s with 30yd of 10lb mono on. If I'm catching lots of Barbel sometimes 10 plus in a day session I am getting loads of line twist. I have worked it out that after initially winding the throne on twist free. The line gets twisted as I am using the clutch when a fish is taking line, then as I wind in I am imparting twist to my mono.
I alleviate this by every 5 fish I walk my mono down the bank and slowy wind back in with a damp wrag applying friction to the line. If I was to back wind on a fish which I sometimes do I get no twist at all.