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Light Carp Rods For Barbel?

Vince Maddock

Senior Member & Supporter

My Barbel fishing pretty much consists of fishing the Yorkshire rivers, staying mobile and using a single 1.75TC rod all very simple.
Next month I'm off to the Trent for the first time, where as it's a bit of a social I'll be picking a spot and sticking to it and as everybody else does probably using 2 rods. My question is will my 1.75TC Barbel rod be a little delicate for the Trent in February but would my 2.75TC light Carp rods be too much?
I am an occasional Trent fisher, and I'd say it depends where you cast - into the flow or more down the edge.

I favour the edges, no more than 15 yards out, and have never felt my 1.75 tc rods are inadequate.
As Paul says, very much depends how far you are casting. You may suffer with bite sensitivity with the carp rods, I fished the Trent earlier in the week and the barbel bites were certainly not the three-foot twitches that we get in the warmer months. My standard rods for the Trent are Torrix 2lb in the summer and Peregrine floodwater with a bit on but I'm generally only casting 20 yards maximum. Bear in mind that there are a very high percentage of hard fighting 'doubles' on the Trent.
If your staying in one spot, then take your 1.75 and your 2 carp rods with you and you can make an assessment on the bank.
I don’t think your gonna have a problem with bite sensitivity on the heavier rods personally.
A good self hooking hair rig should a encourage a bolt which would be visible on a broom handle. The action on carp rods isn’t always the nicest for river barbel but I think for an odd trip they’ll be fine. You’ll kick yourself if you don’t take them and you see a cracking spot for your bait on the far side.
If your staying in one spot, then take your 1.75 and your 2 carp rods with you and you can make an assessment on the bank.
I don’t think your gonna have a problem with bite sensitivity on the heavier rods personally.
A good self hooking hair rig should a encourage a bolt which would be visible on a broom handle. The action on carp rods isn’t always the nicest for river barbel but I think for an odd trip they’ll be fine. You’ll kick yourself if you don’t take them and you see a cracking spot for your bait on the far side.

Thanks Richard (and all), that's what I was hoping to hear.
I don't fish the Trent but fish the mid to lower Thames. Most of the time I use 2 lb Harrison multi carp rods and these are great for 90% of the time, however when the river is pushing as now, I use 3lb Harrison pike rods. Why because they are designed for casting heavy baits and are of a more through action than most carp rods. You can cast a big heavy feeder a fair way with these and I have never had problems with bite detection or playing fish close in. I also own a Harrison flood rod which is great but can't cast a big feeder as far as with the pike rods. When I say big feeders I mean 6 oz plus.
I'll be using my 2.75 carp rods with bite alarms. Using baitrunner reels, any take will be shown by the alarms and don't have to worry about the rod not being sensitive. My Daiwa Castism 60g will not be strong enough for the Trent.
He posted this last year Tel - nearly caught me out when I read it!
I didn’t look at the date either but couldn’t find polite words when I thought of a social during lockdown. Teach me to be more observant.