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Landing net for wading

Steve Jeffery

Senior Member & Supporter
Looking to try for barbel on the float this year, which will involve some wading and using a 14' rod with a pin.

I'm after advice or recommendations for a collapsible landing net. Options seem to be the fixed handle type trout nets, which seem too small, or at least too short in the handle, or the predator nets which have either foldable handles, or handles that extend out of the mesh frame to about a metre. Alternatively, can you buy just a collapsible handle to use with my existing net head?

Whatever I go for I also need to be able to have some way of carrying it whilst stood in the river, so need some form of shoulder strap.

Any suggestions from you guys that trot or roll meat whilst in the river?

Many thanks.
Sorry guys, just found a thread asking the same question......didn't check first! Mods can delete this if necessary.