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Korum 2013 chairs

Neil Depledge

Senior Member
Has anyone seen/bought the new ultra light chair? Seems to be good value and, most importantly, very light for an adjustable chair.
I've had a look at them and they do look like solid bits of kit, and they are light! Next chair when my current one has given up I think.
My current lightweight chair is the old style Korum Lightweight and it's done me proud for the last three or four seasons. It's starting to disintegrate now though.

After my recent experience of the Nash Indulgence High Back, I suspect that the replacement for the Korum (when it gives up the ghost) will be the Nash Indulgence Nomad Ultra-Lite. I appreciate that it's a bit heavier and more costly but I feel it's worth the extra.
Can't fault the prestige lightweight recliner I"ve had for 2 years, still going strong even after a large stupid animal (horse) spent time stamping on it on a yorkshire river bank.
Thanks for the replies. I've got a horrible feeling I might end up buying 2. The Korum ultra light for roving and short sessions and something a bit higher in the back for longer sessions.
The new model is half a kilo lighter than the old model i think. I looked at the old model before deciding on my current chair (wychwood solace low) It is a little heavier than the korum chair at 4.5kg, but it has arms.
On the Korum light weight when you fold the back down to move do the legs fold or do they remain stuck out .Is that a problem when roving.Havn't had much of a look at them.
dont like chairs with Arms , got a Wychwood recliner for my static session awkward to carry but not too heavy and very comfortable , my light weight roving chair has seen better days its a 20+ year old JRC one no padding and has lost all 4 of the rubber feet but wouldnt part with it but am sure will have to replace it soon and the korum one looks a good choice
Just purchased a middy 30 plus eazi carry chair, weighs 3.7kg and handily attaches to my korum ruckbag . Sourced it for 45 quid and will be trying it on the riverbank this week