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Steve Williams

Senior Member
Had the privilege of have a kingfisher (or maybe different kingfishers) land on my rod while fishing yesterday afternoon, three times.

First one was just a brief encounter, which I've had before, but it always makes a fishing session.
I got the camera out ready for a repeat, but after about 30 mins I decided it wasn't going to happen again, so I put the camera down only for another little blighter to zip upstream and grace the rod for around 30 seconds.
Sadly as I reached into my bag for the camera, away it shot.

I moved after this, to a new spot a hundred yards or so upstream.
Had a phone call off a mate, so I lay the rod butt across my leg to answer the call and bugger me, another zips in from downstream and lands no more than a foot from me.
I quietly try to move the phone away from my ear to take a snap and away it shoots away again....
Three times in less than an hour.....:)

Oh and I managed a Barbel from a little river I'm fishing too, so that just about made my evening...

I've tried to get a picture too Steve, no matter how slowly you move the little blighters just fly off!

Nice one on the barbel, always good to get one from a new venue.
Hi men,

Same here Steve , me and Sue tucked up in a tight swim on the Teme when 2 younguns lanes a couple of times on rod, but even though they were a bit doppy , we could not get them on film. Lovely when it happens , and tbh I'm surprised it don't happen more .

Had the privilege of have a kingfisher (or maybe different kingfishers) land on my rod while fishing yesterday afternoon, three times.

First one was just a brief encounter, which I've had before, but it always makes a fishing session.
I got the camera out ready for a repeat, but after about 30 mins I decided it wasn't going to happen again, so I put the camera down only for another little blighter to zip upstream and grace the rod for around 30 seconds.
Sadly as I reached into my bag for the camera, away it shot.

I moved after this, to a new spot a hundred yards or so upstream.
Had a phone call off a mate, so I lay the rod butt across my leg to answer the call and bugger me, another zips in from downstream and lands no more than a foot from me.
I quietly try to move the phone away from my ear to take a snap and away it shoots away again....
Three times in less than an hour.....:)

Oh and I managed a Barbel from a little river I'm fishing too, so that just about made my evening...


If you really want to get up close Steve see if you can borrow a brolly and full size mozzi net, to act as a hide. (I'd let you borrow mine but you're too far away :D) They cannot see you through the mesh, so will stay and fish in front of you from your rods or over hanging branches.

I've had them smacking fish against the rod, setting the alarms bleeping, before swallowing. A couple of years ago I had two at once, flitting between rods and top of the brolly, oblivious to me being inside. Brilliant. You'll need a camera on a tripod + remote set up outside to get the piccy though ;)

I like getting up close to wild creatures as you know ;):D
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Here's one I made earlier....captured a few years ago now, as it sat in a tree above me for a good while, time enough to get my camera out at snap it anyway.:)

i was watching one the other evening directly oppsite me feeding, off a dead branch just obove the water, i dived 2 or 3 times before catching, wolloping & then devouring either a dace or a small chublett. it sat for a while preening itself, then noticed another zipping past, then with a load ear piercing screach gave chase. nice as you like it was back about 1/2 an hour later for a while but didn't dive again though.
oh i didnt have a bite by the way
whilst on the severn at ironbridge wharfage this little bugger enjoyed his maggots.........it was a privalage
Great stuff Steve, there was a piece on the BBC wildlife show recently when the chap set up a hide on the bank,(more of a cape) and stuck a stick in the river bank, within a short time a Kingfisher perched and he had his shot.

Sounds like you had a good session,it's why we do it I guess.:)

Supposed to be a kingfisher at Arley a few years ago, but no picture?
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