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Just a couple of days left

Richard Parsons

Senior Member
So, are most of us intrepid barbel anglers going to take advantage of the slightly milder conditions (here in the North, at least) and attempt to catch one or two more fish before the end of the season?

I'll be out fishing the Dove for the final hurrah! :)
got one off the middle severn yesterday first cast didnt even have a chance to sit down about 7lb the nothing else after that
Just had 6 hours on the Yorkshire Derwent, level had dropped a couple of feet over the weekend and just nicely coloured. Beautiful day even if I didn't get a bite !
Back to the pond.
Just come in from the Stour, the river looked in great nick, but the easterly breeze was a pain. Been trotting bread flake for a last chub or two on the pin as it looked a bit bright and spiteful for a barbel today. Managed 4 to 5.09 on the Drennan stickfloat, which certainly put a bend in it. Just debating whether to go back out and try for a last minute whiskers tonight:rolleyes:
On the Trent from 7am to 7.30pm yesterday. Started in fog (38F according to my temp gauge in my car) which gave way to a beautiful, but rather chilly day. Water temp around 45-46F.

Not a single barbel bite all day, but still nice to be out there watching a group of oyster-catchers and a solitary curlew mooch around the field opposite, and the rather vocal little owl which was perched in a tree behind me.

I'll probably turn my attention to some stillwater perching for the next month, before putting by tench head on.
Had to have one last chuck on the Lower Severn today before the season ends and the Barbel gods were kind to me .Just one bite and one fish . Not the biggest fish in the Severn .
At least it saved the blank :) Roll on June 16th .


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After an early start I was on the Wye and fishing by 7:30am.I was determined to fish a favourite swim but after about 4hrs the biting wind got the better of me, prompting a move.Tried a swim with a degree of shelter,which I'd never fished before,but after donating more than enough end a tackle to it,another move was called for.Third time lucky maybe.At precisely 7pm,nearly 12 hrs after starting,I had my first bite of the day,and well worth the time and discomfort as an 11lb11oz barbel put in an appeareance.Get in.A cheeky 2lb ish chub quickly followed.I gave it until 8pm before packing up and rolled onto my drive just after midnight,knackered but well pleased that I'd made the effort.
Great fish Peter,especially after such a cold,long day.
Well done superman !

Your best from "that" stretch ?

I finished the season with a brown trout from the Wye previous weekend !
I had 16 barbel in six days on the Wye and then a blank on the Teme yesterday to end the season. Fishing was hard all week, not really sure why but I guess we never are ?
A planned two day Wye session ended up as a one day blank session due to a call that told me there's no hot water or central heating the boilers packed up. Ended the season without a bite but enjoyed the good company of Graham, Richard and Mark. Good to have a catch up and see you next season