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JRC Connection SIC Mono Mainline

David Clewer

Senior Member & Supporter
My local tackle shop has an offer on this line and as I need to respool for the coming season, I wondered if anyone has any experience of, or comments to make about, this line?

It certainly sounds appealing but, as ever with an untried new product, I am reluctant to make a purchase without any foreknowledge of the suitability of the product.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Obviously not a popular line then! Nevertheless, the deal is very attractive (buy one, get two free) so I may just chance my arm and buy some anyway. It can't be that bad, surely...........!?!?

JRC are not renowned for their line David............. what is wrong with what you where using?

Am looking to replace Krystonite which, although reliable, I have found coils too much (too much memory?).

Have always used Maxima in the past (and still do) as well as Trilene but like to try new brands as line technology development continues apace.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say so will give it a whirl. Not sure if my fishing exploits are worthy of a write up though!

Try the Kryston Snyde - I used it (in 11lb and in 13lb) last year on the Trent in all conditions with no problems
Sorry to barge in this thread lm going to try TFG Red mist this season as lve heard good reports about it the colour nearly put me off but they say its near enough invisible in water..
Ordering tomorrow at a tenner for 1500mts of 12lb l can only hope its a good investment...

Anyone tried it out ?

Yes the colour of some lines these days is rather shocking to our eyes. I was particularly taken with the bright orange 'Tango' line that was given away with last week's Angling Times and some people swear by yellow lines as well. I guess the fish see things differently and that's what we need to concern ourselves with. Just hope that the TFG line doesn't produce a red mist in you when you try it!

Anyway, I have taken the plunge and purchased the JRC line in 10, 12 & 15lb B.S. At £14.99 for the 3 1200m spools (that's 0.4164p per metre if I've got my sums right - less than 42p per 100m - remember it was buy 1, get 2 free!), I figure I haven't lost much if it doesn't appeal. At that price it can always be used for backing!


Alrite Dave - Good luck with ye new coming season be interesting what ye think of the line...
Yup the colour is rather < in ye face > but cant be wrong trying new lines...
Will hopefully be able to tell ye what happens later in the season...

Tight lines mate..
Re:Red line

There was a letter in last weeks Anglers Mail on page 12 from a physics teacher regarding the "red line myth".Quote "White light contains a mixture of all colours of the spectrum from red through to the blues and violets.As light passes through water,light energy is absorbed as it passes through the water column.This absorption spectrum of water(red light absorbs 100 times more than blue light),together with the 5 times greater scattering of blue light over red light,contributes to the blue colour of lake,river and ocean waters.
As red light is the first part of the spectrum to be absorbed,red line(or indeed any other red object)cannot reflect back red light.This does not make it invisible,it would in fact appear black against a lit background,making it the MOST visible."
Lesson over..........:D
