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Iron bridge day tickets help

Paul Clotworthy

Senior Member
Looking to go iron bridge for couple of days anyone give me good place to start off were night fishing is allowed or anyone other good day ticket stretch’s on the Severn down that area
The stretch by Dale end park is day ticket as far as I'm aware, there was talk about it becoming a syndicate but I'm not sure if this happened. The Brewery Inn has a day ticket stretch in Coalport.
I used to fish the park stretch before it got taken over and it was never busy. That being said the reason I've not been back is that I don't think the fishing matches the price if I'm honest, there are fish there to be had but it isn't exactly prolific and I favour other venues.

I used to fish the opposite bank to the brewery inn and always did ok there. I've not spent much time on the Severn in recent seasons as I've been focusing on waters closer to home so I can't offer first hand experience on how it's fishing at present. If recent reports from friends is anything to go by then the Severn in general is tough going on the barbel front.