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How many clubs next season?

Graham Elliott

Senior Member & Supporter
I will probably reduce my local tickets to just RDAA next season and drop another local fishing Club card.

My intention is to spend more time fishing longer 2 day sessions further afield this coming season. Trent, Wye, Severn, bit of the Teme

What plans have others for the new season? Keeping all your tickets?

I will probably drop one and keep RDAA, Twyford and Farnham. Take it you are dropping the same one then Graham.
I dropped a couple of club books last season, at the moment I only have a Ross AC and a BAA ticket, I'l be getting a RDAA card aswell for my first try on the Kennet. Oh and then theres my DRAC ticket aswell, think that should just about do me.
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Graham...Are you saying that your local waters have declined so much that you are going to concentrate on the easy places where their are still plenty of barbel and easy to catch for you clients!
With your recent interest in local river conservation, shouldn't you be concentrating on putting the rivers right in your local area instead of running off further afield just to keep up and promote your catch rates.
It seems now to be a trend that when local rivers/venues decline of barbel, then anglers just pack up and leave the area without a second thought regarding why, and just leave the river environment to decline further..
It seems now to be a trend that when local rivers/venues decline of barbel, then anglers just pack up and leave the area without a second thought regarding why, and just leave the river environment to decline further..

Ray. Local river Thames. 2 hours to get there,1 of which stuck on the M25.
Paid 75 quid for membership,to find on arrival a punt with 2 anglers aboard
(and no clubcard) fishing the swim i wanted.Find another swim,but dead as a dodo in daykight hours,but persist,in hope,so sit watching,the boat traffic
that is as busy as the M25 that i was stuck on earlier,and darnt cast more than a third of the way across the river.Also notice on the opposite bank
six eastern europeans spinning for pike,knocking them on the head,to take home.....im not happy,but thinks...ok after dark.

Not so every half hour of darkness,i hear the throb of bass from the disco
boat packed full of hooray henrys,supping red wine,that then spends half an hour turning around near the weir swims im fishing.

The following week i fish the Great Ouse,very nice,banks covered in litter,
and otter paradise,though i do pass the time stamping on the 15 crayfish i caught.

So this coming season,syndicate water for me,No litter,No dog walkers,
no Eastern eruopeans,and "may" catch something 30 minutes away from home
Can you really blame me for deserting rivers.

As for deserting rivers when they die.You still fishing Adams Ray.

regards Howard
For me i will have just the one ticket this year, instead of the 3 i had last year. My reasoning is i like to get away from the crowds and just that extra effort will bring a better result in the end. I find no better feeling than catching virgin fish, also they are easier to catch being less wary.
Sadly David Im one of those paying £1:15 ltr for petrol, thousands of cars running on red diesel now though, I think the odds on getting caught are the same as getting caught by the EA for no rod licence.
Haha yes I do, its funny to be driving down the motorway and get a big whiff of fish and chips
Howard...I now live in Dorset, so i cannot afford Adams Mill and the fuel to get there. Originally, it was one of the closest venues to get to when i lived in North London. What spare money i have now is used in fuel and camera/video accessories etc to keep on top of pollution and conservation issues in my local area, and to highlight them to the EA, NE and the public.
If i have enough left, i will occassionaly buy a tin of spam to go fishing at times and try to find where there are a few fish left.
I'll actually be joining a couple more local clubs than usual this year, more for what they're doing for my local rivers than for the fishing. And for the fishing, a couple of not-so-local clubs...