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How do you prepare your Hemp??

Mike some freezers are frost free, so they take the moisture out of the freezer, hence the hemp floating. If you bag it and seal it, especially with the juices it will be more than fine.
you dont have to boil hemp..as long as its been soaked its ok to use..Some top barbel anglers believe that barbel dont have stomachs and eat hemp to help digest other food..Im not qualified to know if this is true or not..fred crouch whos caught 1000s of barbel never boils it he just soaks it untill its soft..Ive also been told that anglers only started boiling hemp so they could get it on the hook when it splits during the boiling process..does anyone else on here know of this?..:)
Good quality fresh hemp will split with a 48hr soak and no boil. Other than that i chuck a load in a cool box fill to the brim with boiling water, place a couple of bricks on the lid to keep it well sealed and leave overnight. In the morning loads of nicely done hemp.

Will this coolbox method work for Maize as well ? I'm planning on using the stuff in quite large quantities very soon, so the 'saucepan' alternative isn't really practical.

I'll pass on the ready prepared stuff, even NSA (20kg £13.99 of which 10kg must be absorbed water :eek:)

I'm thinking of 2 or 3 day soak first with Bicarb. Will it need more than one coolbox session to get a satisfactory result if one is achievable ? I have time available and a recently aquired chest freezer ready to be filled.:D

Your comments appreciated. They may save me wasting my time

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I just soak mine. It seems to work no problem.
Further to adding bi carb when cooking, Washing soda works a lot better to turn hemp black. It also turns tares a much darker shade than bicarb and the tares are nice and soft. Wash before use as it feels slimy because it's alkaline.
I haven't told that to anyone in 40 years!


I used to work in a maize mill. We used to steep corn(maize) for 60 hrs in hot water that contained sodium bisulphite . This softened the maize perfectly. However I never tried fishing with it so don't know whether the smell (rotten eggs) would put the fish off.

well, i do pretty much the same, but empty bucket,5 tables spoons of salt, 3 spoons of hot chilli pepper then top with boiling water, leave it , done, no probs,