Interesting thread. I've been experimenting with different set-ups this year.
I now have a
Chub bits belt round my waist, with all my rig bits, leads, scissors, needles etc. Plus some bait in one pocket. Everything I need to make up a rig and bait it.
Then I also carry a small holdall with food, flask, camera, scales and the bulk of the bait (if applicable). Because I fish the Severn with steep banks and awkward swims, I dump my holdall at the top of the bank and leave it there, so I'm as light as possible clambering down into position. All the bits I need at the waterside are in the belt! If I catch a good fish, I can always grab my holdall from the top.
I do carry a chair (Fox Adjusta chair, perfect for steep banks) but my unhooking mat slides nicely into the seat back. The chair has a strap, so I carry it over one shoulder and the holdall over the other. Then my rod and bankstick in one hand, landing net in the other.
I only carry a bucket if I'm using a lot of groundbait - for roving in winter or when the river's up and coloured I just keep some paste or meat in my belt topped up from the holdall.
I find the biggest problem with staying light is in the summer evenings. When you arrive can still be very warm, T-shirt and shorts weather — but by 1am its getting pretty darned cold! so you need to cart some warm clothing around all evening.