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Highs and Lows, Best and Worst, season so far.

cracking story Andreas jumping in 5 foot of water, to land your 9lber. Its also a fair point that catching Barbel on the float is the ultimate way, i cant think of anything better than catching Trent Barbel this way, the runs are incredible on lightish tackle.
A plus for my Coleman dual fuel stove, great for warming up a winters stew.
Mixed season for me ! Spent most of the summer fishing for eels which didn't go the way I liked . Highs and low same time for me . High was catching a pb off the middle severn a barbel off 11 lb 6 oz lows was returning it if you know what I mean :D
Overall this year has been a good one for me, PB tench, barbel and grayling caught, and the river season has been excellent with far more barbel than previous years. Also spent more time rediscovering the fun of fishing small streams with light float tackle instead of sitting behind a pair of barbel rods.

Lows have been,
1) not catching a barbel in February, so once again failing to complete a season with barbel in every month.
2) no barbel this month, so ditto!

On the tackle front I've managed to acquire a good wide-drum Speedia after missing out on several, also a nice Mordex Merlin which is yet to see duty!
This season has been an enjoyable one for a few reasons.

I suppose the first is that I haven't put pressure on myself to actually catch any target barbel. This, as it turns out, has been rather fortunate! Although I normally really enjoy this approach I've enjoyed just being by a few different stretches of river so far seeing what happens. 'What's happened' is that I have caught next to nothing however, so I spose I need to try a bit harder again :rolleyes:

A factor is that petrol prices are starting to impact my fishing more than ever before. Consequently I fished quite hard for carp doing mid week overnighters before going to work on the local lake. The biggest achievement of this season so far is finally cracking the carp in this local park lake after 10 years of trying. I don't have to fish it anymore - this is such a relief!

I've also caught some nice carp fishing abroad in Morocco for the first time and loved it, can't wait to return. I've made some good new fishing friends along the way too so hope for more of the same in 2011.

Although I haven't caught many fish for the hours I've put in I did have a double barbel, and a twenty and thirty pound carp in two days fishing from tricky waters - so that was probably my most productive weekend ever.

I'm really chomping at the bit to get a nice barbel before the season ends now though. Just wish the weather was more suitable over the xmas period with a few days off looming.

Good luck to everyone who gets out and happy christmas.

cheers, simon
Highs - Numerous, just being out there and catching still works for me. Meeting a few new faces along with some old ones. A trip to that weir in damned good company.

Lows - Nothing much, shame I didn't manage to up my modest barbel PB but that was hardly unexpected.

Good kit - Too much to mention:eek:. The best and most used is actually cheap and simple. A Solar hair guage.

Not so good kit - Only the perennial favourite Daiwa Sensor line. I think it's bloody awful stuff.
Highs for the year included some cracking sessions with mate's even when we blanked we had a laugh.
On the catching front it would be a great session which saw me bank a 12lb 15oz a 12lb 12oz a 9lber and a 11lb 8oz Common carp.
Lows would be my self taking ability :D:):D:):D.
Here below in order are the 11lb 8oz carp followed by the 12lb 12oz and 12lb 15oz barbel


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To echo Clives post above !

Not had as many sessions as normal this season, but the ones with Clive (and a few others) have been my highlight (especially the Bacon Sarnies on a cold predator trip..........Where we couldn't even catch livies on maggots...............)
One VERY memorable Grayling trip, which saw a fair few banked and a chance meet up with a couple of other BFW'ers sticks in the mind ! As does a VERY, VERY hard and cold sess on the HA, a few Grayling and some clonking Dace made a tough day................
Way, way back in Jan, had some lovely Dace from nice stream which just had/have me wondering !
Worst year for Barbel for me for many, many seasons........BUT i've had a tough time and the MOJO ain't been there.............
Still, not displeased ! Fishing still makes me happy and I will get back out there...........
It's only fishing after all..........................................
Hi men ,

Don't move house ( cottage, there's a clue there ) just as the season starts , plan to ride in the London 2 Brighton bike ride . That cocks your season up without doubt !.

Cracking fish Clive well done mate... nice smiles!

Have had a good season for Barbel so far... highlights being a PB 12-6 from the Teme which would definitely push 13-8 to 14 when full. I know that she came out at 13-14 from another spot (known fish) so would like to catch her again! Had 4 fish in four casts, the smallest being 8lb and the 12-6 being the biggest. Best 90mins of Barbel fishing I've ever had. Have had several 9s this season from the BA and the Teme but only the one double so far. All have been fantastic fish and I've loved every minute on the bank.

Great fun spotting, stalking and occasionally catching (!) Barbel this summer on the Bristol Avon and the Teme... still hoping for another BA double though... saw a couple of really big kippers in the summer so I know they are around.

Not had the time or the inclination to get out for anything for a while but have some space just after Christmas to get into a Pike or two.

This year sees us moving in mid June so early season fishing probably won't happen but looking forward to Pike Chub and Barbel (in that order probably if this weather continues) before the end of the season.