Seems like a lot of people are viewing but not much feedback regarding price, which leads me to think it might be a little high. I am open to a conversation about price with any interested parties.
Hi all, thinking of selling my Hexagraph 11ft 1lb rod. It’s a lovely rod, used but just had the handle cleaned up. Unfortunately it is something that just doesn’t get used so thought I would list it and see what happens. As far as valuation goes, I am really not sure but it’s certainly not possible to buy a new one now, so would guess at around £700 wouldn’t be too far out - I’m sure enough people here will know better than me and will advise accordingly (seriously guys, if I am out please let me know). I can arrange postage with UPS at buyers cost, and could potentially arrange to meet if reasonable distance. Condition is very good but used.
Hi all, thinking of selling my Hexagraph 11ft 1lb rod. It’s a lovely rod, used but just had the handle cleaned up. Unfortunately it is something that just doesn’t get used so thought I would list it and see what happens. As far as valuation goes, I am really not sure but it’s certainly not possible to buy a new one now, so would guess at around £700 wouldn’t be too far out - I’m sure enough people here will know better than me and will advise accordingly (seriously guys, if I am out please let me know). I can arrange postage with UPS at buyers cost, and could potentially arrange to meet if reasonable distance. Condition is very good but used.
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