Ian Hobkirk
Senior Member
It was a great social as they are normally. Brought back a few memories as I use to fish there quite a lot in the past. Thanks to all involved.
The banter was good in the pub with the great north/south divide barrier to separate the two sides
I hope Andy F remembers who i'am when we next meet together and not Cahill Daly as he mentioned on a few occasions. Was funny though.
Still think we had the better deal stopping in the Old Lion cottages very cosy and sociable, and best of all warm.
Had to laugh at I had to walk ten thousand miles Conrad derderdud...der with now arms like Garth more spinach needed in your diet mate.
Still waiting for my prize for guess what we are drinking now Southerners tipple.

This is what fishing is all about really and may there be many more blanks
The banter was good in the pub with the great north/south divide barrier to separate the two sides
I hope Andy F remembers who i'am when we next meet together and not Cahill Daly as he mentioned on a few occasions. Was funny though.
Still think we had the better deal stopping in the Old Lion cottages very cosy and sociable, and best of all warm.
Had to laugh at I had to walk ten thousand miles Conrad derderdud...der with now arms like Garth more spinach needed in your diet mate.
Still waiting for my prize for guess what we are drinking now Southerners tipple.
This is what fishing is all about really and may there be many more blanks