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Hampshire avon rape + destruction... Again!.. This week!

Ray Walton

Senior Member
I have tripped this over from the river reports Hampshire Avon because of its importance and to make more public! https://barbel.co.uk/site/vbulletin/forum/showthread.php?t=3397&page=14 onwards.
Due for continued Hampshire Avon destruction this week for over a mile upstream.

Having received more information on this, the EA have now admitted that the weed cutting and dredging (under the original guise of gravel cleaning/raking) has nothing whatever to do with 'Salmon Conservation' or creating 'Salmon Redds' for spawning as previously stated!
It is, as suggested before, to satisfy the North End Farm 'Salmon Syndicate in clearing the channel and to remove the SSSI protected Ranunculus weed and root stocks so that weed future growth is reduced and so 'fishing can be practiced in these areas'!
Again, around a mile+ of pristine river will be raped of its weed cover and sanctuary along with the established macro invertebrate colonies (food for fish), fish fry including salmon parr and all coarse and migratory fish species including SAC protected species including Lamprey, Salmon, Bullheads, and also protected White Crayfish. As the area in question on the RDAA fishery will be somewhat left 'baron', it will leave the area wide open to Cormorant and Otter predation if any fish unwittingly moves up or down into the area.
The dredging of the stretch has no benefit for coarse fish, (especially barbel) or Coarse Angling and the exercise is totally Salmon Fishing orientated so that flies and spinners do not get caught on weed or snags and also to remove any cover or sanctuary for Salmon so that they are easily seen and caught. This last reason is at the expense of wiping out the coarse fish habitat in the process, to which Ringwood & District AA members pay good money to fish for 'coarse fish' and not salmon!
As RDAA officials and volunteers are participating in the destruction of their own fishery, it shows a total lack of understanding and knowledge regarding the river and its inhabitants and fish stocks and river conservation as a whole.
The EA/NE 'approved' destruction will start tomorrow Monday 15th August on the Hampshire Avon above Ibsley Bridge-North End-Gorley and will continue probably till Wednesday/Thusday.
Absolutely unbelievable and anyone involved should be condemned for their actions including the EA and NE for issuing such exemption and licence for this destruction to be carried out specifically for Salmon Anglers 'comfort and easy' fishing and disregarding their prime duties to protect the SSSI and its protected and endangered species present!
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David...I spoke to Budgie and Trevor of the 'Avon Roach Project' regarding NEF,at the Ellingham show yesterday, and they did not know what to say or believe it! They assured me that non of their own roach have been re-introduced into this stretch which is one good thing, otherwise they would have soon been wiped out again!
It would be good if any RDAA member or other could get some pics or video footage at what is taking place here, especially the boat dredging and boat weed cutting etc and put them up on here, similar to what RDAA officials and members do on their own website when praising at what they do.
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I find it indescribably sad that this sort of thing is allowed to go on, merely because a relatively tiny group of people have enough financial clout to overcome all other considerations. At a time when all our waterways are in desperate trouble for any number of reasons, it beggars belief that once again the bodies responsible for the welfare of those delicate habitats are willing to place their survival in even further jeopardy merely to satisfy the whims of the pampered minority.

Obviously mankind as a whole, however inadvertently, is responsible for the slow decline of our rivers to date...a global lack of education and in many cases the raw requirements of survival have seen to that. However, that this minority group of wealthy and presumably well educated people are willing and able to bring about a course of actions that will inevitably do great damage to the overall well-being of at least a short section of a waterway, in order to gain minor (and doubtless short term) advantages for themselves....is scandalous in the extreme.

It is nothing new I know, that sort of thing has occurred ever since man discovered the phrase 'money is power'....but knowing that doesn't make watching it in practice any more palatable now than it was back then :mad:

Cheers, Dave
The Chairman on Monday

I blame it on the Moral Collapse brought on by the Fly Fishing Forces of Darkness and the two up Feral Elite - http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011/jul/31/public-jury-campaign-feral-elite - but then I would.

As ever,


I for one wouldn't argue with you on this one Paul. A campaign with the aims of that quoted in the Guardian piece, with the likes of Phillip Pullman involved, can do no wrong in my eyes. Just a crying shame that the very fact that it would be a force for good condemns it to the realms of 'vanishingly unlikely to ever get off the ground' :(

Cheers, Dave.
Hampshire Avon Destruction of the Riverbed and Inhabitants

They were at it again today...No protocols adhered too regarding the conditions set out in the EA consent issued.... and that is with an 'EA official' on the bank overseeing the destruction and carnage in front of his very eyes!
Again, Absolute W***kers!

Taking the P**S out of the SSSI/SAC Ramsar protected Hampshire Avon!
The proud NEF/RDAA 'Hanging it out to Dry' sample trophy shot, left for everyone to see from Ibsley Bridge upstream.
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