Clive Kenyon
Senior Member
I reckon I've met Bob's French cousin. We have been away in the camping-car touring Brittany. Whilst parked up alongside the Nantes a Brest canal at Josselin the guy in the camper next to us started to fish. He set a telescopic rod up 8 foot deep with bulk shot 6 foot down and a tell tale shot 3 inches from that. He gripped the rod at the butt with his right hand and without letting any line out or disengaging the bail arm, swung the rod in a sort of underhand / sideways arc propelling the float all of three feet. Then he layed the rod on the bank and walked back to his chair some 8 yards away, and below the flood bank so having no view of the float. Every ten minutes or so he repeated the pocedure.
It just shows. They are out there!
It just shows. They are out there!