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Forum locked temporarily

Andy Frances

Staff member
Hi all,

I need to lock the forum temporarily while I install an update to the forum software.

If all goes well, we'll be back within the next half hour. Fingers crossed....


Andy F
Hi again,

Hopefully that has worked :)

I'm hoping this will fix an issue people have had over the last week with 'marking a forum read'. Please let me know if not.

Many thanks for your patience,

Andy F
Hellfire Andy....how can you fix things in that time? Could you please pop round to my gaff and sort out my three laptops, all of which are suffering from varying degrees of 'idiotitus'....my lips are sealed as to the identity of the idiot involved :p

Failing that, could you spare a few cells for a brain transfusion :eek:

Pretty please :D:D:D

Cheers, Dave.