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Fleabay Flyboys ?

David Gauntlett

Senior Member
Hi peeps,

Is it just me that invatiably has problems with Fleabay? Every time I drop my guard and foolishly try 'One more time' to buy something on there, I come unstuck :mad:

I wanted to use braid for this coming season, because this is my first season back barbeling, and I fancied having a go at rolling meat. However, looking at current prices in my local tackle shop soon put that idea out of my head :eek:

Recently though, there was a thread in which young Ray Walton :))) enthused about a particular brand that he now swore by, and was VERY insistent that the 30lb BS was far and away the best choice for the job. Enthusiasm rekindled, I decided to press google into service...and up came an add for just the stuff, and at a bargain price...but on fleabay :rolleyes:

So...I checked the rating...99.4%, examined the add over and over...30lb mossy green as required, eight lots in stock...just couldn't see a problem. Just to be double sure, I emailed them to ask them to check their stock, as they were claiming that it was the green version they were selling, but the box displayed had the yellow braid tag on it...they stated that it was indeed the green braid they were selling.

Still worried, I emailed them AGAIN, asking them to double check that the 30lb BS braid they were offering was the green version. Again they replied that they had checked, and they were 100% certain it WAS green. So...I swallowed my fears, and ordered it.

The next day I get an email saying "Sorry mate, for 'some reason' this stuff seems to be out of stock...would an alternative BS do?" :eek:...and this after claiming to have checked the stuff TWICE to confirm the colour :confused: They were now trying to claim that they didn't actually have any, and to palm me off with an alternative:eek::eek:

Now, as Ray is the past master at rolling meat, and stated catagorically that the 30lb BS was by far the best for that job, I refused the offer, and emailed them again to explain my 'displeasure' at this nonsense. I have now had an acknowledgement of this email, and await developments.

We shall see...but once again, I have come unstuck on that wretched Fleabay. I guess it was just not intended for old farts like me :D

Cheers, Dave.
go and buy some at the tackle shop, yer for sure, you will pay a bit more, but you know what your getting.
i'm coming to the conclusion,it's the only way.
ebay sellers are *not* allowed to advertised stuff that they do not have in stock. It is explicitly against ebay rules.

Report them.

go and buy some at the tackle shop, yer for sure, you will pay a bit more, but you know what your getting.
i'm coming to the conclusion,it's the only way.

You may well be right Dave...and yet time and time again you see people on here pleased as punch with some stupendous bargain they have just won...why is it never me :D:D

Cheers, Dave.
David , I feel you may have been a tad unlucky ! I buy all my equiptment on Ebayusually 50% cheaper than local shops , and have never been let down , however there is always an exception !
best of luck getting it sorted !
David , I feel you may have been a tad unlucky ! I buy all my equiptment on Ebayusually 50% cheaper than local shops , and have never been let down , however there is always an exception !
best of luck getting it sorted !

Do me a favour James...buy me some braid :D:D

Cheers, Dave.
i think you will find after a few weeks /months the green changes to a washed out greeny/yellow anyway i just colour mine with a permanent marker in black or brown or green
every so often i leave lengths uncoloured as well like stripes as i feel this breaks up the colour as opposed to just one solid colour anyway.
i get someone else to wind the line in )if im doing a long length)and i trap the braid under the marker pen pinning it to a flat surface like a tackle box lid it only takes a minute and colours up nicely if you want it darker just do it again if its only about 10 yds or so i just pull the line off spool and pull it thro marker pen myself
as i said before i feel different shade break up the pattern around the lead area anyway
its prob easier just to get it in 30lb as you want and just colour it as you want might save you the hassle of trying to get your money back.
good luck
ps: i use 15lb power pro braid
Just a personal view based on experience - have tried both Spiderline and PowerPro and found them pretty close. As I purchased a 1500yd spool of PP (from Ebay for £44 some time back) and was also used to PP have never really extensively used Spider since. May have the odd spool of Spider somewhere......
As I feel confident with PP, that's the one I'll continue to use.
Regarding ebay never really had any problems whatsoever - a few things have got 'lost' but have been quickly replaced.
My original review of PP here: https://barbel.co.uk/site/reviews/powerpro/PowerPro.html
Some 8 years ago!
i think you will find after a few weeks /months the green changes to a washed out greeny/yellow anyway i just colour mine with a permanent marker in black or brown or green
every so often i leave lengths uncoloured as well like stripes as i feel this breaks up the colour as opposed to just one solid colour anyway.
i get someone else to wind the line in )if im doing a long length)and i trap the braid under the marker pen pinning it to a flat surface like a tackle box lid it only takes a minute and colours up nicely if you want it darker just do it again if its only about 10 yds or so i just pull the line off spool and pull it thro marker pen myself
as i said before i feel different shade break up the pattern around the lead area anyway
its prob easier just to get it in 30lb as you want and just colour it as you want might save you the hassle of trying to get your money back.
good luck
ps: i use 15lb power pro braid

Hi Gary,

It's not the colour that is the problem, it's the BS. Ray stated that he has tried every braid, and every BS, and this braid in 30lb was the best he had used for rolling meat...which was what I wanted to try.

These people are telling me after I payed my money that they do not have any of the 30lb braid as advertised. I don't see why I should take an alternative BS, which would not perform the job I required of it as well as the original, just to let them off the hook (excuse the pun :D). I have payed my money to them in good faith, having foolishly believed that they were telling the truth in their advert...which clearly they were not!

We will see what happens next :mad:

Cheers, Dave.

You poor bugger, listen you will always learn from bad experiences mate, but because I am a fussy bugger I will travel the extra miles to buy from shops where I can physically see the product, rather than from fleabay and other web sites.

Never settle for second best especially with fishing involved, because confidence is the main ingredient to success imho, and without it you wont fish right!:)


Hi Julian,

Know what you are saying, that is the way I see it...though I will moderate my views if my case looks doomed to failure :D

Cheers, Dave.
Just a personal view based on experience - have tried both Spiderline and PowerPro and found them pretty close. As I purchased a 1500yd spool of PP (from Ebay for £44 some time back) and was also used to PP have never really extensively used Spider since. May have the odd spool of Spider somewhere......
As I feel confident with PP, that's the one I'll continue to use.
Regarding ebay never really had any problems whatsoever - a few things have got 'lost' but have been quickly replaced.
My original review of PP here: https://barbel.co.uk/site/reviews/powerpro/PowerPro.html
Some 8 years ago!

Thanks for that Bob,

I recognise that PowerPro is probably the equal of Spiderline, but it was the Spiderline that I payed my cash for, and PP was not on offer. What I actually end up with remains to be seen :D

It is very odd though, such widely varying experiences that people have with ebay. Just wish for once I could be one of the regular winners :rolleyes:

Cheers, Dave.
sorry thought the colour not b/strain was prob
anyway good luck hope you get your money....
sorry thought the colour not b/strain was prob
anyway good luck hope you get your money....

No probs mate. The fact was that Ray recommended the 30lb BS because the extra thickness gave the water more to grip on, thereby helping to keep the bait on the move while you were rolling meat. It was just that I fancied having a go at a technique I had not used before, and decided Ray's advice should be heeded, as I know nowt :D

Cheers, Dave.
I've bought loads of stuff of Ebay with no problems.Get a refund and then leave the seller negative feedback.
I've bought loads of stuff of Ebay with no problems.Get a refund and then leave the seller negative feedback.

Yes, that will be my next move if they don't start to communicate soon. I will report them to Ebay for advertising an item that they clearly did not have, then claim my money back and, as you say, leave negative feedback.

Cheers, Dave.
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I've bought alot of tackle off Ebay and never had a problem.

If it aint in stock, I presume you used Paypal to pay, tell them to refund you and go buy from another seller.

If they mess you about, file a case in Paypal and you'll get your money back...Guaranteed.

I really would not be put off buying from Ebay by a case like this.
I've bought alot of tackle off Ebay and never had a problem.

If it aint in stock, I presume you used Paypal to pay, tell them to refund you and go buy from another seller.

If they mess you about, file a case in Paypal and you'll get your money back...Guaranteed.

I really would not be put off buying from Ebay by a case like this.

I know Darren, there are a whole lot of people out there who have virtually no problems with Ebay. Joking apart, I recognise that a fair percentage of the problem must somehow be down to me, and probably the rest is down to bad luck. I am one of those people who could fall in to a bed of roses and come up smelling of poo :D

Lets face it, I did all the recommended checks...the feedback rating was 99.4%...I emailed not once but TWICE to check they had stock of the actual stuff as stated in the add. I really don't know what more I could have done...and yet as soon as I pay my money, the tell me they are 'somehow' out of stock. And believe me, this is NOT the first time similar things have happened to me on ebay. I KNOW I will probably get my money back...it is just that when this sort of thing happens time and time again, the joke begins to wear a bit thin. As I say, why does it happen so often to me, when others have no probs? I don't know. You tell me.

Meanwhile, I will wait as patiently as possible for these dip-sticks to reply, and tell me what they intend to do. If things go as they usualy do for me on this type of problem, they will not bother to reply at all. They will just sit back, safe in the knowledge that Ebay protects sellers WAY more than it ever will buyers, because these big sellers ARE Ebay! They are well aware that I will eventually get my money back, via the complaints system and Paypal, and that the negative feedback I leave will only effect their rating by a tiny percentage, because they are big. They will make a small profit probably, because they invariably charge more for postage than the true cost...so for them, end of problem. For me, start all over again (minus any return postage if things had gone that far) and hope eventually I find what I am looking for. Damn, but it's fun!

Cheers, Dave.
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