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Fishing Hats

Ian Hugo Arnott

Senior Member
Now I know this is merely a matter of personal taste but I really like the hat the chap on the front page is wearing, (superb fish by the way).

I have a collection of hats most of which I wear for fishing. I have a floppier version of the one mentioned above, a bush hat or two, a flat cap, a battered panama, a Barbour Tweed hat and an ancient trilby like Walker's, bit of hero-worship there.

Over to you.......


Im a trilby type man mesen.

I'll bet you are Tone, I can see you now:


:eek: :p :D
Left my first one hanging on a tree to dry out after it had taken a swim at pebley res, sheffield back in about 1982, went back and it had gone. I loved that hat.

Only on my 2nd since then, all these years later.

Wore it on the Severn do last year Crooky, wrong sort of wellies those. :)
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Aus. bush hat for me. Wind plenty of Dubbin in to the leather and it is water proof, the rim shields your eys from the sun and prevents the tops of ears getting sun burnt.
And you just happened to have that photo Crooky slightly worried!!
The home page pic is of a proper Jedi Titfa.

I always wear a peaked cap, have done for years now, probably because I pinched a Fallschirmjäger forage cap from a less than wide awake Kraut when in Germany many years ago.
It was the best fishing hat I ever had and I was devastated when it finally fell apart!
Not sure whether I should be offended or relieved Ian!
I always like the look of a Tilley but I'm not sure I'm old enough for one yet. So it's a baseball cap when it's warm and something warm when it's not.
Tried many silly hats from a baseball cap with a 8" trout sticking through my head to a tilly but settled on two, a camo basebal cap that just feels comfortable and the camo's irrelevant, and, a bramah with a mesh all round and leather top and brim which suits my vintage tackle better than me;) but stops my head and neck getting burned, I miss my hair:( while allowing a cool breeze to what over my bonce:D read an article by John Oliff Cooper on pure piscatores about hats, well worth a read, had me trying on anything I saw in the local charity shops, some sillier than others:D